I Just Creamed In My Jeans. (demo Video Of The P)

I would really like to see a montage of playstation games! MGS, Silent hill, resident evil, twisted metal, castlevania sotn, ect. ! (I hope thats what you meant)


P.s: I agree with pferguso on the PandoraOS
pferguso said:
Is there a place to store it on the Pandora?

I've been wanting to post that for a while now. :P

Just above the SD card slots as far as I can remember + I might even search for MWestons post about it at some point. :)

EDIT: http://www.gp32x.de/board/index.php?s=&am...st&p=601459
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"Even better, this is at 500MHz" :D Onto the GP2X this game runs Full Speed at 200MHz. ^_^

craigix said:
Anything you want to see on the real hardware (within reason!)?
I would like to see someone who plays with the original Pandora Controlls mounted onto the PCB, at least a D-Pad should be there somewhere. ;)
And how Portrait Mode Games can be played onto a assembled 90° turned Pandora.
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How about a native FPS? Quake 2 perhaps? Maemo has a couple of Quake 2 clients that work ok on the n800, so it might not be too much effort to get it running on the Pandora.
I'd like to hear something from the device(preferably without the music, or any music, that was playing in the demo).

Maybe see the OS menu, if possible, and if progressed yet to that point.


Edited by me. :lol:

Addition by me: Screen color saturation looks phenomenal BTW craig.
i would love to see some shots of the final pcb, i swear i read somewhere that it was expandable so i would like to see the free plates that are designed to keep me and my precious solder iron occupied for hours... think i worded that right, o well.

and i love that image :D
All I'd like to know is if Zod's N64 emulator has started/progressed.
Any videos of that would be icing on the cake (except it would be the best icing ever MADE!)
EDIT: I am aware of the extremely unlikely chance that I would ever get such a video.
x68000 said:
gibberish said:
eh, forgive me but im pretty sure we've a very similar video a few months ago...?

its just a demo of donpachi running on a screen attached to the board. also, why is it running the wrong way round? presumeably it'd be rather hard to play it like that. id like to see what it looks like the correct way round.

something new, would be nice.

framerates look nice though :0
What do you mean by, 'why is it running the wrong way round?'

It is running in 'tate' mode, which is the correct aspect for this and most other 90's/2000's traditional shooters.

Hopefully you were being sarcastic.

Why would this person be "being sarcastic"? The pandora is a handheld and the point of having emulators on it would be to play them comfortably using the devices interface in its normal position.

Tobriand said:
But when you were playing it on your television, was it the original arcade version, or was it a port to some other system (e.g. psx, PS2) where they would expect more horizontal resolution than vertical?

If the former, then I imagine it would be possible (though I don't know); if the latter, then unless we get an emultaor for the respective hardware, you're probably out of luck. With a slight exception of if it turns out that the psx/ps2/whatever port is actually an optimized arcade emulator for whichever system, and that it would be possible to rip a rom that could be used on e.g. finalburnalpha. I'd say that's very unlikely, but it's been known to happen.
That last remark made no sense to me at all. Ports of emulators or games usually allow for features that are available on the chosen host platforms' hardware. What are you saying? That its o.k to fork out major cash for a device that mainly plays homebrew and ports of existing software and we shouldn't expect said ports and homebrew to work in the devices native resolution? Thats pure fanboy spaz talk.

EDIT: Before the flames burn off my face, isn't a handheld meant to be held in a manner that allows you to use the controls? For $300+ it had better. No offence to the devs. That is all.

Edit2: edited to curb the jerkiness of my post :)
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I'd just like to see some videos of the things everyone wants to see.

- SquidgeSNES
- Web browser
- A look at the OS
- PSX4Pandora (playing something other than FF7)
- New/classic homebrew game running

Seeing one or more of those things would make the wait so much more bearable. :)
craigix said:
Ah we don't test them in the cases, thought you guys would be more interested in seeing some things running since it has been requested so much.

Anything you want to see on the real hardware (within reason!)?
I'd be most interested in seeing whatever includes human interaction :) i.e. direct input from (game) controls and/or touchscreen

From emulator menu selection to just about anything will be fine by me :D
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Id like to see it running linux even if its just the console. Maybe lynx to show the wifi working and some nethack.
More vids coming soon. Sounds nice to me!

I´d like to see:
  • some web browsing action [on pandora wiki or these forums]
  • typing action [editor would be enough, just to get a feeling of "hands on pandora"]
  • some GAMES played on a "dressed" pandora, I don´t care what games just give me some gaming action.....just in case you´re undecisive *whispers* wipeout......ridge racer :D
SEE! Right after I posted that thread someone released a demo video, that's what I like to see. (although I know its purely coincidental)
Hi, haven't been here in a while :) (my gp2x broke).

Any chance of showing us how neo geo games run?

Is the hardware fast enough to run and load neo geo games without slow-down?

Will there be a usb port?
Two things I'd like to see;

1.) What the progress is of the GUI--even just saying what window manager is being used would suffice.
2.) High quality pictures or screenshots of any of the FF games' cutscenes and/or largely 3D scenes--I'd like to see how well the Pandora handles the edges on resize and how well it resizes the FMVs...do they get all ugly and artifact-filled? What about streatched to widescreen?
stormyandcold said:
Hi, haven't been here in a while :) (my gp2x broke).

Any chance of showing us how neo geo games run?

Is the hardware fast enough to run and load neo geo games without slow-down?

Will there be a usb port?
Yes there'll be a USB port.

This topic lists which emulators are likely
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The GUI is custom, it is similar to Gmenu. I tried to compile a demo for windows but failed, the time is better spent on the Pandora right now.

We can't use the Pandora controls in any decent way as we don't have the final rubber parts yet.

Michael is trying to get a pretty cool video done for tonight. (note, I said trying, that does not mean it will 100% show up tonight, or tomorrow, or ever).

