Caanoo / WIZ I Have Some Questions Regarding Caanoo Apps


Nov 11, 2010
I was wondering what the status of Escape From Zombie City was?

Also, would someone work on updating the PDF reader so we could read magazines on it? When I try to load a magazine PDF, nothing shows up, since images aren't supported. The Pandora has a competent PDF reader that was developed many moons ago, and this was well before most preorderers had them. Isn't there an open-source PDF reader such as Sumatra PDF that can be ported?

Has anyone ordered from as I would like to order a Wi-Fi dongle, but they seem like a random company.

I would like to request of the Wiz game "Sonic Robo Blast 2"

One last question: I can't seem to get Battle Jewels to work properly. The game locks up when I choose certain menu options or during single-player matches. Why is that? I downloaded and extracted it (the 9/14/2010 version) to the games folder, but it still seems to work haphazardly, unless the developer isn't finished working on the game. I had the 1.0.6 firmware flashed, and I now have version 1.6 (the current version) flashed.
escape from zombie city is eternal beta from waht i can see...wuz made fo teh wiz
pdf reader dont make me laugh, @320x240 what can you read?
buy buffalo mini wireless adapter from ebay or amazon!
monstercameron said:
escape from zombie city is eternal beta from waht i can see...wuz made fo teh wiz
pdf reader dont make me laugh, @320x240 what can you read?
buy buffalo mini wireless adapter from ebay or amazon!

There is a PDF reader for the Caanoo already, but it's text only. The Wiz has 2 PDF readers, but I don't have a WIZ to test them out. There are plenty of PDF readers for older handhelds that support graphical magazines, and feature zoom functionality, why wouldn't the Caanoo support them?
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monstercameron said:
i was being a douche over the caanoos low resoltuion qvga display and how bad it is to see text on it!

Who do I ask regarding my Caanoo PDF reader with graphical capabilities request?
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