Recovering Sega Addict
I've been at my other home for a while now, my parents have a satelite dish, and there's nothing interesting for me to watch other than billiards *snore* and G4. I was watching G4 and how they play up the Xbox360 like there's something utterly new about it... "The graphics, oh, the graphics!" They were acting like something utterly new and innovative came out and the people responsible were gods. On X-Play (Possibly the wost show ever conceived) they didn't give an Xbox360 game less than 3 out of 5. Even the dumb games like, I don't know, the game where you have submachine guns mounted on your car? Yeah right. They even gave Quake4 a really high rating, when I read it was uninspired, and Game Informer gave it a low rating. I think even X-Play must've given it a lower rating too when it was just on PC. Nothing changed about the game (Except having to use the sticks instead of a more acurate aiming system with the mouse...)
They also don't talk about anything I care about. I subscribed to Game Informer back in the day because I bought a PSP and the subscription cost me like 6 usd, so I thought, 'Why not?' But they talk about what's new, and recently they had a "Top 50 games of 2005" and somewhere among the deserving titles are games like X-Men legends and Heroes of the Pacific. [What the hell was innovative in either of those titles? The gaming industry seems to think that every third-person action adventure title is good enough, and we're swallowing it all whole.] Out of that whole section, only three (THREE!!!) PC games were mentioned, and FEAR was on the last page. One of their "Best moments in Gaming" was Microsoft announcing that thier Xbox will have an interchangeable faceplate... WTF! This is utterly rediculous CRAP. And to top it off, they have a tiny [TINY!] "Retro section" wherein they make fun of the games they rated highly 5-8 years ago, and say, 'Look at how far we've gone?' Please... PLEASE show me something innovative for current- and next-gen systems. Please.
What also bugs me is how they treat Next-Gen shit like it hasn't happened before. PC has had that ability, and in fact, BEYOND that ability for quite some time and has recieved NO recognition, even to the point where TV commercials don't even push the PC ports of their games (You know, the little thing at the end that has the Xbox, PS2, GC etc logos?). One example is GUN. I could've sworn that game never came out for PC, and my friend proved me wrong. I showed him the commercial, and he says "That's because noone cares about PC." Damn straight they don't. Consoles are always being pushed by the gaming media, as if they don't want to let out the secret that you can play most games on a machine you already have, you have to go out and buy a new gaming system that runs at 140 FPS, even though your brain can't tell if it's 140 or 90.
Plus, there's nothing, NOTHING about the GP2X. I don't expect there to be, but I want news, paper news (not printed out from these boards ) about the unit. I want to hear what editors feel about it (interestingly enough). But I'm of two minds here, one is that I kind of would like to see a bit of hype in mainstream media, so we get more people interested. The second part of me is kind of asking what kind of people would that attract? Sony trying to sue over PSX being emulated? PSP fanboys talking shit on a regular basis? Nah. But this type of extreme revolution in open-source media needs to be mentioned. I see it as giving the finger, politically speaking, to major media companies, like Sony and Mocrosoft. But if it gets no media attention, how will it make it's political stand? That might not mean anything to some of you, but I think the GP2X needs to show the big boys that they can be beat by some 3-person project in korea and a hardcore community of developers.
It's time to subscribe to Retro Gamer.
They also don't talk about anything I care about. I subscribed to Game Informer back in the day because I bought a PSP and the subscription cost me like 6 usd, so I thought, 'Why not?' But they talk about what's new, and recently they had a "Top 50 games of 2005" and somewhere among the deserving titles are games like X-Men legends and Heroes of the Pacific. [What the hell was innovative in either of those titles? The gaming industry seems to think that every third-person action adventure title is good enough, and we're swallowing it all whole.] Out of that whole section, only three (THREE!!!) PC games were mentioned, and FEAR was on the last page. One of their "Best moments in Gaming" was Microsoft announcing that thier Xbox will have an interchangeable faceplate... WTF! This is utterly rediculous CRAP. And to top it off, they have a tiny [TINY!] "Retro section" wherein they make fun of the games they rated highly 5-8 years ago, and say, 'Look at how far we've gone?' Please... PLEASE show me something innovative for current- and next-gen systems. Please.
What also bugs me is how they treat Next-Gen shit like it hasn't happened before. PC has had that ability, and in fact, BEYOND that ability for quite some time and has recieved NO recognition, even to the point where TV commercials don't even push the PC ports of their games (You know, the little thing at the end that has the Xbox, PS2, GC etc logos?). One example is GUN. I could've sworn that game never came out for PC, and my friend proved me wrong. I showed him the commercial, and he says "That's because noone cares about PC." Damn straight they don't. Consoles are always being pushed by the gaming media, as if they don't want to let out the secret that you can play most games on a machine you already have, you have to go out and buy a new gaming system that runs at 140 FPS, even though your brain can't tell if it's 140 or 90.
Plus, there's nothing, NOTHING about the GP2X. I don't expect there to be, but I want news, paper news (not printed out from these boards ) about the unit. I want to hear what editors feel about it (interestingly enough). But I'm of two minds here, one is that I kind of would like to see a bit of hype in mainstream media, so we get more people interested. The second part of me is kind of asking what kind of people would that attract? Sony trying to sue over PSX being emulated? PSP fanboys talking shit on a regular basis? Nah. But this type of extreme revolution in open-source media needs to be mentioned. I see it as giving the finger, politically speaking, to major media companies, like Sony and Mocrosoft. But if it gets no media attention, how will it make it's political stand? That might not mean anything to some of you, but I think the GP2X needs to show the big boys that they can be beat by some 3-person project in korea and a hardcore community of developers.
It's time to subscribe to Retro Gamer.