I Come With Gifts!

I'm surprised, didn't even ask to enter credit card information. Where did this promo code come from?

The att repair guy who was at my house, he said its used to give away these free to customers have trouble with wifi. but they don't check who they send them to so he said I could pretty much give it to who I wanted
Lol that's funny. At first I suspected phishing, but I went to the ATT website myself without your link, and found the adapter and it worked. And it didn't ask for a credit card number either, if it did I would've been scared and not done it. That's pretty awesome though. Free stuff!

So have you got yours?
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well it sent me an email saying my order went throught and theyd send another when it shipped haha.

If it doesn't work tho no loss no gain right?
Worked as posted, twice; working on thrice.
Greed, i love it. :) Too bad i can't ship mine to you, then re-ship it on to me.

Hey, PM me your address. If my plan goes through I'll send you one. I hope you're not insulting my character; it's okay to take from large companies, especially when they so readily give something to you.

I have a friend, who is not me but shall not be named, who is an excellent con artist and shoplifter gone grey-hat. Said person only steals from large companies these days. Unrelatedly, and with no relation to his/her cleptomania whatsoever, said friend randomly gifted me a somewhat comfortable pair of mediocre store-brand canalphones the other day.

Not that what we're doing here is stealing; it's a free promotion, no doubt intended to show how wonderful AT&T is as a company and how much they want to lure in potential customers. Good business in my opinion.

Remember, we're all in this together. ;) How many can I put you down for-- one or zero, my beady-eyed, badly-animated Canadian friend?
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Hmmm... I wouldn't. Thank you, but I really don't consider this ethical.

I only consider it ethical if it works. If I get an angry e-mail from AT&T saying that they're reversing all my orders tomorrow, I'll consider it bad business ethics and file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau.
I hope you're not insulting my character; it's okay to take from large companies, especially when they so readily give something to you.
No insult was meant.

I've felt ripped off by DVD and especially CD companies ($20 for Dark Side of the Moon!?), and don't get me started on greedy banks. I may not agree that it's 'okay' but i understand how you feel. Thanks for the offer but i'll pass.

And thanks gotwake424.
No insult was meant. [...] Thanks for the offer but i'll pass.

Hey man, you got an ethical code, and I do as well. Always stand by your integrity-- it's arguably the only true universal measure of morality. You can lie to the world but try as you might, you can never lie to yourself, eh?


Anyone notice the system's being quite wonky? Either there are a lot of lurkers on this forum, the secret got out somehow, or our friend the Bastard Operator From Hell is trying to remove the promotion on the fly. Maybe the promotion was supposed to be over at midnight?

I haven't verified it to go through yet, but it looks like you can get multiple per order if you bookmark the product page and click add to cart over and over. I can't find a quantity adjuster any other way... but the coupon stacks. "Total Savings Today: $385.00"

Attempting to check out with 7 at the moment... this could be the steal (of a deal) of the century, O my brothers.

[uPDATE: Our BOFH/accidental-DDOS ate the original 7, but I managed to get another singleton through and an order of no less than 5, bringing my grand total to 8 so far. I think i'll call it a night and see if more will go through tomorrow.]

[uPDATE Mk.II: The original 7 made it somehow! Woah.... grand total 15. I wouldn't be surprised if there were some trouble about this XD]
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