I Bought Far Cry: Vengeance For The Wii


Reeks of fish
Feb 3, 2004
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Does anyone have this game? Is this actually playable?
I got it on an opening sale today, paid 30€ and thought it would be a good deal for a nice shooter. Man, this game is bad! Was this control scheme designed for anything but to piss me off? You press and hold A to stop the camera from moving with makes aiming kinda easier. Unfortunately it also turns on predator mode which as of yet made it impossible for me to aim at all. Is there any way around this? Also, how the hell am I supposed to use meelee attacks? I aim with the wiimote and then... swing the wiimote? I can't hit anything accurately. Close combat causes me to look at the ground.
The glitches. I have only played this game for about 4 hours and I have already stuck to two or three mountains with no way of getting out again. Also the game just froze while saving, destroying my save game in the process. I was only in the second level, as far as I know, but still...
Let me just rant the AI a little bit too. Nobody notices I'm there, except the random omniscient god enemy who detects me through walls and a ceiling while I'm crouched, aiming at his buddy outside. On more than one occasion have I run up to an enemy, full frontal head on collision style, with him not even going "huh?". Talking of "huh?", is it normal that the sounds effects suddenly stop s split second before you expect them to end? There's an "aaaaaaaaah" sound when you shoot an enemy... this sound stops in mid-scream or so it seems.


Stay away from this game.
Yeah, well ... at least you have a wii .... the fucking thing is now unavailable everywhere on the planet!

No it really is that bad. I've been unfortunate to play it for a few secs and its awful. Glad I didnt buy it. At the moment, Red Steel is the only half decent fps on the console and I didnt care for that much at all. But with a new Medal of Honor scheduled for the Wii with 32 player online multiplayer, it might be better than Red Steel. I'm just gonna wait for MP3 though.

Oh and Telcolou, there are a few Wiis instores where I live so they aren't completely sold out although its single figures for the amounts of units left.
TelcoLou said:
Yeah, well ... at least you have a wii .... the fucking thing is now unavailable everywhere on the planet!

I hate to tell you this, but the store where I bought Far Cry has several pallettes of Wiis available. In fact here in Germany the rarity has died, leaving most stores with Wiis by the dozen.

icurafu said:
You're the only one I know who purchased this game. Congrats.
And it's going back to the store tomorrow. This is not a game, it's an Alpha build at best.

Nova said:
Sure it's not a dud copy?
First I thought the same. Then I looked up the reviews on gamesfaqs and other sites.
Should have done this before my impulse purchase.
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Returning the game:
Mosch: "Hi, I have a game I need to return."
Electronics Guy: "What system?"
Mosch: "It's for the Wii. *hands over game*"
EG: "*typing on his keyboard* And why exactly... oh, it's Far Cry. I see. Here's your receipt, you'll get your money back at the checkout line over there. Have a good day."

Speedmike, it's not even worth 20$.
Usually they would not refund your money, except that console games usually do not receive any patches and so the stores are usually cool with taking the games back provided they really do not work. And it seems that Far Cry is quite an exception in itself too :D
The only other time I did something like this was when I ordered an english Collector's edition and got a German regular edition with the store clerk telling me "It's exactly the same inside. Take it home and try it our if you like."
Of course stores usually do not give you your money back for open "copyable" stuff and I think that policy is alright as long as you do not have a good reason for the return. I buy a game I don't like? My problem. I buy a game that does not work at all? Defective product should be exchanged.

As for the trade-in thingy.... I saw Black in the used bin at Gamestop for 55something€. I had bought this game months before for 10€ (lucky there, I know) but did not like it at all. Thinking I might actually turn a profit from this I asked how much I'd get if I traded my game in for cash or store credit.
The answer was "8€ cash or 9€ store credit, but only if the booklet is in good condition."
I wonder how much they give for the games they sell for 15 - 20 bucks? "There are sixteen used games... let's see... here are your 97 Cent. Buy yourself something shiny."

EDIT: I just saw my "usually"s in my first sentence but left it intact for comedic value ;)
Mosch said:
Does anyone have this game? Is this actually playable?
I got it on an opening sale today, paid 30€ and thought it would be a good deal for a nice shooter. Man, this game is bad! Was this control scheme designed for anything but to piss me off? You press and hold A to stop the camera from moving with makes aiming kinda easier. Unfortunately it also turns on predator mode which as of yet made it impossible for me to aim at all. Is there any way around this? Also, how the hell am I supposed to use meelee attacks? I aim with the wiimote and then... swing the wiimote? I can't hit anything accurately. Close combat causes me to look at the ground.
The glitches. I have only played this game for about 4 hours and I have already stuck to two or three mountains with no way of getting out again. Also the game just froze while saving, destroying my save game in the process. I was only in the second level, as far as I know, but still...
Let me just rant the AI a little bit too. Nobody notices I'm there, except the random omniscient god enemy who detects me through walls and a ceiling while I'm crouched, aiming at his buddy outside. On more than one occasion have I run up to an enemy, full frontal head on collision style, with him not even going "huh?". Talking of "huh?", is it normal that the sounds effects suddenly stop s split second before you expect them to end? There's an "aaaaaaaaah" sound when you shoot an enemy... this sound stops in mid-scream or so it seems.


Stay away from this game.

I had this game on the Xbox 360 and it was very good. If you have one get it for that. It actually has decent graphics that won't hurt your eyes on the 360. This game is just too much for the wiik Wii hardware.

The Wii is best for simple party and sports titles.
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@ Davec

The Wii game is different from the one on the 360. Different storyline and such. But yes, graphically, if you were to put the 360's verison on a Wii it might not be able to hold it. We dont have any idea what future titles on Wii will look like so who knows whether or not it'll be able to make games look like first/second gen 360 titles.

On the subject of trading in games, my local game stores never sell games in sealed conditions. They always remove the game from its box and place the box on the shelves while putting the disc in a small plastic bag with the instruction book and put that in a draw. Even with that though they are reluctant to give you your money back on an unhappy purchase. I tried to hand in Michael Jackson Moonwalker for Megadrive to get my money back on it as it didnt work and even though it was only £1.99 they were so reluctant to give me it. They said that I could just swap it with something else but wouldn't give me the cash back. But I have heard them say they won't give a refund on a used game thats been out of its box, which is stupid as they have taken the game out of its box so technically its been used. Game stores are pains in the arse for trade ins though although Gamestation does give you some good credit. I got £25 on trade-in for Wario Ware on Wii about 4 months after it had been out. not bad considering i used instore credit to get it in the first place.
DaveC said:
Mosch said:
Does anyone have this game? Is this actually playable?
I got it on an opening sale today, paid 30€ and thought it would be a good deal for a nice shooter. Man, this game is bad! Was this control scheme designed for anything but to piss me off? You press and hold A to stop the camera from moving with makes aiming kinda easier. Unfortunately it also turns on predator mode which as of yet made it impossible for me to aim at all. Is there any way around this? Also, how the hell am I supposed to use meelee attacks? I aim with the wiimote and then... swing the wiimote? I can't hit anything accurately. Close combat causes me to look at the ground.
The glitches. I have only played this game for about 4 hours and I have already stuck to two or three mountains with no way of getting out again. Also the game just froze while saving, destroying my save game in the process. I was only in the second level, as far as I know, but still...
Let me just rant the AI a little bit too. Nobody notices I'm there, except the random omniscient god enemy who detects me through walls and a ceiling while I'm crouched, aiming at his buddy outside. On more than one occasion have I run up to an enemy, full frontal head on collision style, with him not even going "huh?". Talking of "huh?", is it normal that the sounds effects suddenly stop s split second before you expect them to end? There's an "aaaaaaaaah" sound when you shoot an enemy... this sound stops in mid-scream or so it seems.


Stay away from this game.

I had this game on the Xbox 360 and it was very good. If you have one get it for that. It actually has decent graphics that won't hurt your eyes on the 360. This game is just too much for the wiik Wii hardware.

The Wii is best for simple party and sports titles.

I hate to break it to you, but the XBox 360 FarCry is the same as the two XBox FarCrys but with improved graphics. If the XBox can handle it, then so can the Wii.

But don't let me get in the way of your snobbery.
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Ravnos said:
I hate to break it to you, but the XBox 360 FarCry is the same as the two XBox FarCrys but with improved graphics. If the XBox can handle it, then so can the Wii.

But don't let me get in the way of your snobbery.

"but with improved graphics". Yes that is my point. The graphics are MUCH improved. More texture resolution, more screen resolution, better lighting, better framerate, more polygons etc.

The Wii has it's niche but games like this that rely on next-gen graphics to help the experience are not worth getting. Actually as far as hardware it is not much better than an original Xbox, maybe even the same. It really does make sense to have both a Wii and a graphically next-gen system like the 360 or PS3 if you can afford it as each is a quite different experience. The Wii is better than a 360 for party, family multiplayer type stuff due to the control scheme. The 360 is better for FPSs and single player stuff due to the much better graphics power.
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I would have to disagree with that Davec. Yes the Wii is family friendly and has many party games due to it being the ideal environment to release them on, but the Wii's FPS potential has not been tapped into the slightest bit yet. From the reports coming out of people playing the final build of Metroid, its playing pretty much better than any dual analogue control set up could do and is close to the kind of control that we see with PC FPS'. Yes the Xbox360 has the FPS' but it only takes one good one on the Wii to make the developers stand up and realise the potential with the controls. And the 360 doesn't have better single player stuff because of the better graphical power. Thats the most idiotic thing I've evr heard. I don't see graphics stopping the likes of Twilight Princess from being a fantastic single player experience. In fact, it's probably the best experience for single player out there and beats all 360 games in terms of their single player games. Think of it, when was the last time a 360 game was released with a single player section that couldnt be completed in under 10 hours? I'm not hearing anything. Developers are more focused on the online aspect of the 360 which would then make it more multiplayer friendly than the Wii. Try playing Red Steel in multiplayer on a single Tv. Virtually impossible to do because of the split screen.
DaveC didn't say any game was better because of the better graphics, he said *this one* was. Which is very different, the same game with fancier graphics is probably the better option(emphasis on the probably). And to add to the whole FPS thing, you simply can't beat keyboard and mouse, everybody knows that. Ah, off-topic goodness.
To try and keep within the original topic, you'd think they would test for these kinds of bugs in games before they released them, worst of all in this case though, is it will never be fixed, so if you wanted to play it on that system, you've no choice.
Thing is, they never really tested the game at all. They had one test of it where they found all of the bugs but because Ubisoft wanted the game out on store's shelves, it came out prematurely with all these unfixed bugs. Its a shame cause it could have been much better if Ubisoft had given it time but they were just impatient and wanted to capitalized on the initial sales of the Wii during the launch window. With how badly the game did sales wise and its bad reviews, im not sure we will see Far Cry again on the Wii. But I may be wron.g They may make another one to right the wrongs made by the first game.
Titcher said:
And to add to the whole FPS thing, you simply can't beat keyboard and mouse, everybody knows that. Ah, off-topic goodness.
I might sound like a fanboy, but I like the Wii kind of control a lot better than mouse and keyboard. I am a huge light gun fan and to me this concept is just fantastic. The immersion is great, I love it.
I can aim more accurately with the mouse, I give you that, but the Wiimote just feels a lot better.

Dave, graphics are not really the problem (well, Carver does look like a burn victim, but that has nothing to do with the graphical power of the Wii). The problem is that it is full of bugs and virtually unplayable. All the graphics in the world could not save this game though I do not doubt there would be some insane graphic nerds who prefer counting capillaries in leaves to playing the game ;)
You got one thing absolutely right though - the different consoles deliver a totally different experience. I love the Wii, but there are some things that work a lot better on other consoles. FPSs are not one of them, but that's not really the point ;)
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