Hypothetical Possibility?


Mar 15, 2014
OK, as in the title this is a HYPOTHETICAL question, from an UNEDUCATED person.

We all know Allwinner has not yet responded to Evildragons attempts to contact them and receive a devboard.


IF Evildragon receives a devboard, AND a Allwinner board is made for the Pyra...

What is the possibility of Gamecube emulation?

I was under the impression that Gamecube emulation would rely on something the Omap board doesn't support, but the Allwinner board does.

Is this true?

If so, would this make Gamecube emulation even slightly possible?

Also, what more would the Allwinner board allow us to do?
Only with massive slowdowns and that's just stopping all the fun.
That is one sexy vid right there :­3 So maybe with a future SoC board (I don't know what it's called x­D) we can actually get some gamecubeage going on! Then I could die happy :)
If we might get the Allwinner A80 it might be possible.

(But they don't seem to be willing to sell their products.)
My advice, don't get your hopes up... It may never be playable, which would end up being quite the disappointment. On the other hand If you accept that it's not likely to ever happen, and then by some miracle it does, it will be twice as sweet. ;)

- Neelix
I'm not easily disappointed, if it happens, awesome, if not, maybe next Pyra ^_­^ I've just seen how far Gamecube emulation on ARM has already advanced, and wondered the effect the Allwinner SoC may have on the chance Pyra would have better capabilities.
I'm not easily disappointed, if it happens, awesome, if not, maybe next Pyra ^_­^ I've just seen how far Gamecube emulation on ARM has already advanced, and wondered the effect the Allwinner SoC may have on the chance Pyra would have better capabilities.
Still the OMAP is the processor to go.

Even if Allwinner will sell the A80 to us we have to make suer it will be usable for us.