Humble Android Bundle 5 - Super Hexagon works with Pandora


Can't Remember
Aug 30, 2010
The Humble Android Bundle 5 is out now

Super Hexagon works with Pandora (256MB CC), not sure if anything else from this bundle will, but TBH it's worth getting for Super Hexagon alone, it is an awesome game with a real classic arcade feel to it.

Wonder if dungeon defenders would run on a 1Ghz?
I'm running the earlier r3 version on an older sd card and superhexagon wont install.  

nightsky installs but quits after the logo screen.

dynamite jack and solar2 are both complaining of  space issues so wont install.

dungeon defenders is installed and slowly downloading its game files about 18% so far.  

However, beat hazard ultra works fine.

ill make an upto date android install and try again :)
  • Beat Hazard - works great
  • Dungeon Defenders - second SD-Card needed, takes ages to download gamedata, plays fine (will probably have slowdowns if more is happening on the screen then 6 Goblins), Keyboard can be used to enter the heros name, but otherwise it seems to be touchscreen only, may get hard further into the game as you can't move and commence an action (attack, etc.) at the same time
  • Dynamite Jack - seems to work fine, D-Pad can be used for movement
  • Nightsky - crashes back to launcher on the first screen
  • Solar 2 - seems to work fine,D-Pad can be used for movement, pressing enter on the start screen brings one back to the launcher. pressing an action button brings one back to the launcher ingame
  • Super Hexagon - works great,D-Pad can be used for movement
Rebirth @950 MHz, latest Android release

Edit: updated Dungeon Defenders
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Both Dynamite Jack and Super Hexagon just say "application not installed" when I try to install them. The usual helpful message.
Dungeon Defenders has finished downloading all its stuff and seems to work. However, it locked up Android on quitting, forcing me to do a hard-reset. Luckily, my SD cards have survived unscathed. Exercise caution.
Both Dynamite Jack and Super Hexagon just say "application not installed" when I try to install them. The usual helpful message.
Try unmounting any external SD cards from within Android before attempting the install.
I believe so, I have Dungeon Defenders sucking down massive chunks of data from the internet as we speak.
I thought the DD does download the game data files directly onto the second SD-Card ? But maybe Mr_Loon pointed out the problem - I had no second SD-Card inserted during the installation process.

Also, DD exited fine without a crash, tried it several times.

Updated my first post
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Both Dynamite Jack and Super Hexagon just say "application not installed" when I try to install them. The usual helpful message.
Try unmounting any external SD cards from within Android before attempting the install.
Oh, thanks for that handy tip. Those two games installed. Now I need to go back and try the other ones that previously failed their installs.

I thought the DD does download the game data files directly onto the second SD-Card ?
You're quite right. I just noticed the sudden appearance of DD data on the second SD card.
Alright, many games that didn't install before worked now.

Snuggle Truck/Smuggle Truck runs, but relies on tilt-control.

Zen Bondage 2 starts up, flips the screen to portrait, displays a pretty background, then quits.

Fieldrunners and Splice (from an earlier bundle, wouldn't install before) both seem to work well.