Nintendo Ds


I reckon most of the points you made in your last post are valid, and well put.


Horses for courses! Unless Ninty have really got it wrong, and aren't really behind the DS (in which case, they should be flogged), we could see some really interesting games that use the extra features. It's like splinter cell and lock picking-that game tries to make good use of the controls that the ps2 pad has! So throw in more options and you get my drift. And variety is what I want!

And anyone can surmise, ie. "I reckon X will be good/bad because of Y", or "I don't like it because of this informed reason", but "I haven't got one, but I STILL know it's rubbish..." Well, don't get me going again!

But again, the actual points you make are great! But if the DS gets a decent snes emu, we'll all have one! I can't imaging playing snes games on a psp somehow, would feel dirty! But on the ds :D .

Funny, the DS looks retro, but most retro heads here prefer the look of the next gen PSP. I like the way the ds looks. But my PSP brings me to lustfull feelings. However to get Ontopic, the original poster didn't ask (did he?) for a "which is better, the PSP or the DS" so why does it always come to this?

Anyway, thanks for the chance to do a bit of flaming! I enjoyed it immensly. And sorry for any offence :)

It's all about the games really. When the killer apps start coming, the let the battle commence! And I can't wait, I mean-a square RPG with real use of the touch screen and microphone! Or wonderful graphics on the PSP widescreen? It's a great time for gamers.....

ratx posted on May 14 2005 at 07:59 AM said:
Ontopic Post: I have a DS and love it and I'll be buying a PSP when its launched here in the UK for perspective ;) I like the dual screens, sure they're a little bit of a gimmick, but the whole system is to me, thats half the appeal.. its different. Really looking forward to playing games that will take full advantage of the control mechanism like RTS's RPG's etc.

Anyway no real EMU scene yet, but since its now very homebrew friendly ( alternative firmware out / FF's WMB 'wifime' ) only a matter of time.

Looking forward to some good FPS's, I am getting quite fond of the Controls in Metroid Prime now, dont think i would buy the full game, need Call of Duty or a Duke nukem game for it...

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I forgot to mention re the EMU scene that of course our GP32 emu god rlyeh is doing DS stuffs now also so it should be interesting times ahead...
I don't see why everyone thinks gimmicks are a bad thing. The dictionary definition of a gimmick is " An innovative or unusual mechanical contrivance; a gadget.". Surely without "gimmicks", nothing in the game world will ever change, and we'll just keep playing the same games on different systems over and over again, with a bit shinier graphics. I don't know how long your attention span is, but I don't want to be doing the same thing for x years of my life.
RoboJoe32 posted on May 14 2005 at 04:18 PM said:
Anyone who disses FF8 is a complete and utter douchebag.

I don't diss it, I just think a paint drying sim is deeper and has more replay value ;)
Somebody kill this retard.
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FF8 is my favorite of the series, and i think it's becaue of the story and the whole GF and drawing your magics to make your character stronger, not just leveling. You could have 20 people playing the game and potentially 20 people with different types of characters because of this, not like all the other rpgs where every character is the same because the only way to get stronger is to level, and because of that FF8 was more difficult. If you ask people that don't like FF8 why they don't, i am willing to bet most of them will say it was the draw system being too difficult, but that is just weeding out the kiddy rpg players from the true fans :P
Are u all still bloody going on bout how crap the DS? Here's an idea:- No one really cares. Now stop ur jibber jabbin fool. They will bout co exist. there now thats settled.
Ganepark32 posted on May 14 2005 at 05:13 PM said:
Are u all still bloody going on bout how crap the DS? Here's an idea:- No one really cares. Now stop ur jibber jabbin fool. They will bout co exist. there now thats settled.

Thank GOD for that!

Now, I think I'll 'ave a nice cuppa tea!
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Goit: A SI measure of wasted time. One Goit is equal to the amount of energy in Newtons you need to improve your health enough to get one second of your life back. A kilogoit is 1000 times a goit, which equals 16 minutes and 40 seconds of time. The amount of Newtons depends on your health condition. See The Sam Fisher Technique of measuring Health for finding Goit Newtons
I didn't just play the DS for 5 minutes at EB, it was more like 20 or 30. I was in there for a long time, laughing at the stupidity of the tasks Wario Ware touched was having me do. I don't have to actually OWN something to know something about it. I learn about stuff, then I decide what I want to buy based on what I know. I also know that even without games, I would much rather have something that plays mp3's and DVD quality videos than a DS. So whether the PSP games suck or not, I'd still rather have one than a DS anyway. How does deciding that I want something because it can do more so that it has a backup plan in case the games suck make me a damn fanboy? And by the way... just because I mentioned writing a paper for school doesn't mean I'm still in school. I graduated last June, so eat shit. And so what if I was in school? What relavence does that have to this thread at all? Because someone is younger than someone else, he's automatically dumber too? Not quite...

I never said that the companies who make this stuff sit there and wonder what I would want, did I? No, I don't believe I did... See, what everybody wants is different... that's why we have these things called opinions. Not everybody thinks the same way. I was simply stating my opinion from my point of view. They don't sit down and wonder what any other one person would want either. That doesn't change the fact that I shouldn't buy one because I don't like it, does it? No, I don't believe it does.

The last time I checked, spaces and paragraphs weren't punctuation. Punctuation consists of symbols. And spaces aren't really necessary either, you're right. I could read that just fine. But spaces are much more important than paragraphs. The lack of paragraphs don't make each individual word run together with all the rest.

I hate FF8 because the story sucked. The magic system sucked, and the summons sucked. They weren't "too difficult." I just hated the way they were set up. I watched my brother play thru almost the entire thing. I played until the part where you get Irvine, and there's some big parade or something(I forget. It was a long time ago). The story wasn't interesting at all. The way the leveling was set up... how the enemies got stronger as you did too... that was dumb. That made it pretty pointless to level up at all. I decided to give the game another try a few years ago. I had to go to the training area or something... some place inside Balamb Garden where there were a lot of plants, and you can also sometimes fight a dinosaur. Well, I ended up having to fight the dinosaur. I was in that battle for at least 45 minutes. What kind of crap is that? It wasn't hard... just tedious and time-consuming as all hell. I'm not about to sit there in one fight for 45 minutes or anywhere near that amount of time. Emerald Weapon took about 20 in FF7, and that was more than enough too. But 45+ minutes for one fight is just fucking ridiculous.

I didn't say it was okay for Sony to charge more money for older games, but it's not for Nintendo. Now here is where someone truly is speaking of what he does not know... You don't know how much they will charge for PSX ports, or that they'll even put out a lot of them... or that they'll only put 1 on each disc(most likely, they can make more money that way). That's why I said it depends on how much they charge. And even so, Playstation games were 30-40 bucks per game when they came out. I can't see Sony charging 50 or more for a Playstation port. Even if they did, that's a lot more reasonable than what Nintendo's doing. For one thing, the Playstation games aren't 20-15 years old. The oldest they can possibly be is 10 or 11 years old. And when they were made, they cost between 30 and 40. Now it's time for a little math lesson... NES games were about 10, okay? Now they're charging 20 for GBA ports of them... 10 + 10 = 20... 10 = 100% of 10. They increased the prices for their games by 100%. In other words, they've charged double the original price. Even if Sony were to charge 50 for a Playstation port, how muh of an increase is that? Let's take a look. 30 + X = 50... 30 + 20 = 50... 20 = 66.66% of 30. They've increased the price by 66.66%. 40 + 10 = 50... 10 = 25% of 40... They've increased the price by 25%. That's not even considering that the NES games are much older and not worth as much money anyway. This information is assuming that Sony actually charges 50 for them. There's no way in hell they'd charge 60 or 80 for them. They wouldn't get any sales if they did. And how much do you want to bet they're only gonna charge the amount of every other PSP game for them, if not less? it's not the exact same situation. The situation is relative... If Sony were to charge 60 or 80 bucks for their PSX ports on PSP, then YES, I would criticize them! But I'd still buy a PSP for emulation(which I hear is coming along pretty nicely at the moment), movies, and music. Like I said before, It'll be like a more powerful, more expensive GP32.

Yes, I have friends. If I didn't have any, I would never have touched an N64... yes, I've played Deathmatch in Goldeneye... Yes, it still sucked. It wasn't any fun. The whole James Bond thing is old and stupid, and I'm sick of it. I hated it back then, I still hate it now, and that's not going to change. And since I must not have made this clear enough yet, I like mostly RPG's. Very few shooters interest me at all. TimeSplitters is great, and so is the Rainbow Six series. Anything else is just okay at best or just plain shit. I didn't have an N64 of my own because it was a piece of shit. Every time I played one, my previous opinion of the system was blown away and replaced by one that was even worse. Remember, as I said before, just because you don't own something, that doesn't mean you don't or can't know anything about it. In fact, I didn't buy one because of what I knew. Do you think I just run to the store and grab whatever the hell's there without knowing ANYTHING about it before I buy it? What the fuck?
Magus 86 posted on May 14 2005 at 07:47 PM said:
I didn't just play the DS for 5 minutes at EB, it was more like 20 or 30. I was in there for a long time, laughing at the stupidity of the tasks Wario Ware touched was having me do. I don't have to actually OWN something to know something about it. I learn about stuff, then I decide what I want to buy based on what I know. I also know that even without games, I would much rather have something that plays mp3's and DVD quality videos than a DS. So whether the PSP games suck or not, I'd still rather have one than a DS anyway. How does deciding that I want something because it can do more so that it has a backup plan in case the games suck make me a damn fanboy? And by the way... just because I mentioned writing a paper for school doesn't mean I'm still in school. I graduated last June, so eat shit. And so what if I was in school? What relavence does that have to this thread at all? Because someone is younger than someone else, he's automatically dumber too? Not quite...

I never said that the companies who make this stuff sit there and wonder what I would want, did I? No, I don't believe I did... See, what everybody wants is different... that's why we have these things called opinions. Not everybody thinks the same way. I was simply stating my opinion from my point of view. They don't sit down and wonder what any other one person would want either. That doesn't change the fact that I shouldn't buy one because I don't like it, does it? No, I don't believe it does.

The last time I checked, spaces and paragraphs weren't punctuation. Punctuation consists of symbols. And spaces aren't really necessary either, you're right. I could read that just fine. But spaces are much more important than paragraphs. The lack of paragraphs don't make each individual word run together with all the rest.

I hate FF8 because the story sucked. The magic system sucked, and the summons sucked. They weren't "too difficult." I just hated the way they were set up. I watched my brother play thru almost the entire thing. I played until the part where you get Irvine, and there's some big parade or something(I forget. It was a long time ago). The story wasn't interesting at all. The way the leveling was set up... how the enemies got stronger as you did too... that was dumb. That made it pretty pointless to level up at all. I decided to give the game another try a few years ago. I had to go to the training area or something... some place inside Balamb Garden where there were a lot of plants, and you can also sometimes fight a dinosaur. Well, I ended up having to fight the dinosaur. I was in that battle for at least 45 minutes. What kind of crap is that? It wasn't hard... just tedious and time-consuming as all hell. I'm not about to sit there in one fight for 45 minutes or anywhere near that amount of time. Emerald Weapon took about 20 in FF7, and that was more than enough too. But 45+ minutes for one fight is just fucking ridiculous.

I didn't say it was okay for Sony to charge more money for older games, but it's not for Nintendo. Now here is where someone truly is speaking of what he does not know... You don't know how much they will charge for PSX ports, or that they'll even put out a lot of them... or that they'll only put 1 on each disc(most likely, they can make more money that way). That's why I said it depends on how much they charge. And even so, Playstation games were 30-40 bucks per game when they came out. I can't see Sony charging 50 or more for a Playstation port. Even if they did, that's a lot more reasonable than what Nintendo's doing. For one thing, the Playstation games aren't 20-15 years old. The oldest they can possibly be is 10 or 11 years old. And when they were made, they cost between 30 and 40. Now it's time for a little math lesson... NES games were about 10, okay? Now they're charging 20 for GBA ports of them... 10 + 10 = 20... 10 = 100% of 10. They increased the prices for their games by 100%. In other words, they've charged double the original price. Even if Sony were to charge 50 for a Playstation port, how muh of an increase is that? Let's take a look. 30 + X = 50... 30 + 20 = 50... 20 = 66.66% of 30. They've increased the price by 66.66%. 40 + 10 = 50... 10 = 25% of 40... They've increased the price by 25%. That's not even considering that the NES games are much older and not worth as much money anyway. This information is assuming that Sony actually charges 50 for them. There's no way in hell they'd charge 60 or 80 for them. They wouldn't get any sales if they did. And how much do you want to bet they're only gonna charge the amount of every other PSP game for them, if not less? it's not the exact same situation. The situation is relative... If Sony were to charge 60 or 80 bucks for their PSX ports on PSP, then YES, I would criticize them! But I'd still buy a PSP for emulation(which I hear is coming along pretty nicely at the moment), movies, and music. Like I said before, It'll be like a more powerful, more expensive GP32.

Yes, I have friends. If I didn't have any, I would never have touched an N64... yes, I've played Deathmatch in Goldeneye... Yes, it still sucked. It wasn't any fun. The whole James Bond thing is old and stupid, and I'm sick of it. I hated it back then, I still hate it now, and that's not going to change. And since I must not have made this clear enough yet, I like mostly RPG's. Very few shooters interest me at all. TimeSplitters is great, and so is the Rainbow Six series. Anything else is just okay at best or just plain shit. I didn't have an N64 of my own because it was a piece of shit. Every time I played one, my previous opinion of the system was blown away and replaced by one that was even worse. Remember, as I said before, just because you don't own something, that doesn't mean you don't or can't know anything about it. In fact, I didn't buy one because of what I knew. Do you think I just run to the store and grab whatever the hell's there without knowing ANYTHING about it before I buy it? What the fuck?

Die Newb.

Wat platform is FF8 on? Cause i wanna give it a try.
PSX. It's worth it just for the ending (But the game itself is fantastic, my personal favourite game ever) over 30 minutes of CGI. mmmmmm......
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hmmmm...........thnx goity. i shall give it a try.
P.S. Magus 86 i think i speak for everyone when i say SHUT THE HELL UP! and maybe if u made ur posts smaller and didn't fill them with crap then u wouldn't be at the centre of the arguement
"uh oh, Magus made some good points. Rather than agree that we're fuckin retards and that he was right, let's call him a "newb" and tell him to shut up."

Fuck you all, I'll post here if I want to, and you can't do a god damn thing about it. How the fuck are my posts full of crap? Like I said... Go ahead, poke holes thru my posts. If you can't do that, then YOU shut the fuck up because nothing I said is wrong, and you know it. I don't care about being at the center of the argument... I'm used to that... but I'll be damned if I'm gonna stop posting just because you people don't like what you're reading. Fuck you. It's not my fault you people are too stupid to comprehend anything longer than a Dr. Seuss book.
On Topic: I havent played a Psp yet, but one of my mates has one and i watched him play it, it looks pretty ace... But i wont get one until there is a game that i really want for it, or a nice homebrew scene...
About the Ds: I've only played it a bit but it doesnt appeal to me... The screens seem too small, and so far, thre is nothing that i want on it...
Im set with just my gp32...B)

Off topic:
Magus 86 is a fool...
Nes games didnt cost $10 when they came out.... It was about $50-70 when they originally came out. And Damn Worth it...
You should really say "Eh, I didnt really like this game" rather than "This Game Sux!!!1!"
Imo, I loved ff8, it was excellent for me...
Golden eye, was awesome, but i can see how you night have not liked it . For example, i dont really like halo that much, but metroid prime was an amazing experience...

Anyways please try to say that you dont like things rather than saying "This sucks" "That is shit" and stuff like that....
50-70, my ass. I never paid more than 10 bucks for ANY NES game.

I'll describe my disliking of something however the hell I want. Does it really matter? The same message is still there. Whether I say I dislike it, or it's a piece of shit, I still think the exact same thing... screw you and your euphemistic bullshit.