Huge Video Game Collection


Hardcore Member
Jan 23, 2011
Joel lives abut 40 minutes away from me (Melbourne, Australia). He has what some believe is the biggest video game collection in the world.  He started off a long while back with his own game shop , thats when he started collecting.  He then made a fortune on the stock market.  Recently he built a new house to better house his collections.   He collects a number of things, but below is just the games he has collected. Under the TV's in the video below are some of the unboxed consoles he has ,  that are setup to be played


This is only Some of his game collection (he is still setting things up and pulling things out of storage).  And the rooms you see in the video are in his house ie not a store or an arcade.


Some Games that are not all setup yet in the new place


A bit about Joel



Cars in his garage including ones not shown in the video above
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Bullshit. This guy is dreaming!

The people with the biggest video game collections live in France or are French but live in Japan.

Whatever the case may be...I know this Joel guy (I think I've been to his old shop before?) has insurance, so one day someone will burn his house down...

And don't worry, no one will be in the house at the time, so no casualties.


Now, I bet the Aus Police and F.B.I (not sure why) are gonna put me in jail.
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Bullshit. This guy is dreaming!

The people with the biggest video game collections live in France or are French but live in Japan.

Whatever the case may be...I know this Joel guy has insurance, so one day someone will burn his house down...

And don't worry, no one will be in the house at the time, so no casualties.


Now, I bet the Aus Police and F.B.I (not sure why) are gonna put me in jail.
The ramblings of a mad man :P

Supposedly he is in the process of having it recognised by Guiness, he has over 17000 games and the current record is 11000
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