How's Picodrive Looking

azmodean said:
wasn't one of the cool features of the OMAP that it had a very efficient no-op that made manually underclocking the processor mostly unnecessary?
I was thinking the same thing. Can we get some more info on this?
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Just insane speeds there.

Notaz that's great to hear about support for the 32X, Blackthrone is one of my fav games that was on 32X very much like it's PC brother.

Man I want a pandy even more now :P
Love that Picodrive is going the way of 32X. Right now I'm trying to beat the pulp out of Space Harrier, and the 32X version is one of the best ports out there... Very excited to see it make its way onto the Pandora.
Rayek said:
Love that Picodrive is going the way of 32X. Right now I'm trying to beat the pulp out of Space Harrier, and the 32X version is one of the best ports out there... Very excited to see it make its way onto the Pandora.
Yeah that and Virtua Racing/Fighter 32X!
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My God! Sam is (un)banned!

Pleased to see you back, just watch what you say these days as tobriand is editing or deleting posts left right & centre!

The days of free speech are long long gone.

Back on topic, the fact that 32x emulation is being considered is very exciting and 32x Virtua Racing would be worth buying a Pandora for alone!
What about MegaCD support? There were a couple of really nice gems for the CD and since 32X is supported, why not go the whole 10 yards? The Pandora can clearly handle it, so is there any chance of that happening? It would also make a CD/DVD drive docking station even more attractive. ^_^
x68000 said:
My God! Sam is (un)banned!

Pleased to see you back, just watch what you say these days as tobriand is editing or deleting posts left right & centre!

The days of free speech are long long gone.

Back on topic, the fact that 32x emulation is being considered is very exciting and 32x Virtua Racing would be worth buying a Pandora for alone!
My days of being a troll, albeit without realising, are also long gone. Well, hopefully because if they aren't then I certainly won't be around here for very long then will I ;)

On Topic: I only ever use picodrive for plain old Megadrive/Genesis games so I don't have a use for 32x or megaCD emulation.
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beware116 said:
What about MegaCD support? There were a couple of really nice gems for the CD and since 32X is supported, why not go the whole 10 yards? The Pandora can clearly handle it, so is there any chance of that happening? It would also make a CD/DVD drive docking station even more attractive. ^_^
It already has Mega CD support. There's a video a few pages back. I would be very surprised if it didn't support it thought - the GP2X version has Mega CD support (just in case you haven't realised, Sega CD = Mega CD).
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beware116 said:
What about MegaCD support? There were a couple of really nice gems for the CD and since 32X is supported, why not go the whole 10 yards? The Pandora can clearly handle it, so is there any chance of that happening? It would also make a CD/DVD drive docking station even more attractive. ^_^
Picodrive already supports MegaCD. ;)

Edit: Barnaby beat me to it!
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beware116 said:
What about MegaCD support? There were a couple of really nice gems for the CD and since 32X is supported, why not go the whole 10 yards? The Pandora can clearly handle it, so is there any chance of that happening? It would also make a CD/DVD drive docking station even more attractive. ^_^

Not realizing that MegaCD is in PicoDrive is one thing, and forgivable. But someone already posted about this in this topic, having made that mistake. At which point he was corrected in this topic.[1] Then, Notaz even posted a video of PicoDrive running a MegaCD game in this topic.[2]

I wouldn't complain about reading the whole topic if this was the "Our New Machine" topic, which was 300+ pages long on standard view. But on standard view, this topic is only 5 pages, it takes hardly any time to read.

What's the point of joining in on a conversation if you don't know what the hell anyone's talking about?

I have the quotes referred to below:

God Ginrai said:
jonlad1 said:
And Mega (Sega) CD support too for that matter!!
Unless notaz ported an old version of his Picodrive emulator, it already HAS Sega CD support...

-God Ginrai

notaz said:
About Sega CD:

Also note that in these videos, both PSP and GP2X are clocked to their max, and Pandora board is running below it's planned nominal clock.

About 32x, I do plan to add support for it, but that will probably happen some time after Pandora's release.

Btw, Sam, welcome back. ;)

-God Ginrai
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God Ginrai said:
beware116 said:
What about MegaCD support? There were a couple of really nice gems for the CD and since 32X is supported, why not go the whole 10 yards? The Pandora can clearly handle it, so is there any chance of that happening? It would also make a CD/DVD drive docking station even more attractive. ^_^

Not realizing that MegaCD is in PicoDrive is one thing, and forgivable. But someone already posted about this in this topic, having made that mistake. At which point he was corrected in this topic.[1] Then, Notaz even posted a video of PicoDrive running a MegaCD game in this topic.[2]

I wouldn't complain about reading the whole topic if this was the "Our New Machine" topic, which was 300+ pages long on standard view. But on standard view, this topic is only 5 pages, it takes hardly any time to read.

I usually do read entire threads, but it's kinda frustrating surfing on a 4" screen as it dies. I have a WiBrain B1 and I've been having issues, so all I really get to do is log on, post a thing or two, then disappear. My other, longer posts have been on someone else's computer. I don't get a chance to read much of these threads nor do I get to watch videos as I'm lucky it turns on at all. I'm sending it back to Dynamism, BTW, so I won't do stuff like that in the future, but it's a real hassle to try to surf the boards on my WiBrain as it is now.

I haven't used PicoDrive in a VERY long time (I've been using Kega Fusion), so as far as I knew, it didn't support MegaCD. And I only got into to MegaCD a little while ago (around when I got my WiBrain) so I wasn't sure.

PS: This was posted from a real computer, not my WiBrain.
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Notaz What filters will you have in the Pandora version of Picodrive?

I don't have a GP2x anymore, can't remember which one's were supported.

Like 2xSai,HQ2,Advance Mame 2x filters. Even scanline filter be cool :).

I would love to see these supported as I'm sure the unit can handle it :).
whiskthecat said:
azmodean said:
wasn't one of the cool features of the OMAP that it had a very efficient no-op that made manually underclocking the processor mostly unnecessary?
I was thinking the same thing. Can we get some more info on this?

Edit: Wow, this turned out longer than expected. I've shortened it from five paragraphs to just one. Weee. :P

Running fast and sleeping more may not be more efficient than running slowly and sleeping very little. Just see vehicles as an example: speed isn't necessarily gonna save you MPG. I'm not sure whether this applies to computers, but I'll stick my neck out there and say it does from what I can tell. :)
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Squidge said:
Yes, it's already running (and quite well). Videos will, of course, depend on the developer.
im going to have to underclock my :pandora1: to play it,it makes my eyes bleed(in a good way).
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