how to save w snes9x?


Active Member
Feb 27, 2003
Los Angeles
ok so i read the readme, couldn't find anythingbeyond "put the .srm and .smc files in the same directory". ok I understand that .srm are the save files but does that mean i need one generated externally before going at it with GP32? (doesn't make sense..!)

finally decided to give it a crack anyway, at the options screen in snes9x all i see are options for frameskip, controller settings, sound, and frameskip.. no such thing as load/save state, so perhaps .srm only refers to games that were intended to save with a battery, and will just work automatically in that case? that's cool too - just clue me in please. I'll mess with it more after work this eve. (want to get into Front Mission, finally!)
Just battrey save, and everytime that the ROM writes to the battry save spot it will automaticilly update/generate the .srm file.
Well... its supposed to. Actually, you know those bits where it crashes for a few seconds every 10-12 mins? I'm pretty sure that's it saving to disk since I've many a time chosen the in-game save, then turned off (either after or before going to the menu) and turned on again to find it not there. Twas very annoying.
The emulator does not support save states, in other words you can't save a game in the middle of a battle .ect. However it will allow you to save the game in the same way that a real snes would. For example if you were playing front mission and you got to a save spot in the game then it would allow you to save your game at that point. You do not have to upload a save file to the smc to for that game to save progress. When you save your game the first time the emulator will create one. Aside from being able to save another nice feature that is never really talked about is the emulators ability to use .ips files which are used for translations. So for example if you had the original rom for front mission that was in japanes called fmission.smc and the english translation patch which you would name fmission.ips in the same directory the emulator would load them up automaticly when you start the game so you would be able to play it in english. I have not tried this but is imagine that it might work. I suppose since this is a port and not too much has been changed that you could possibly play a game on your computer then copy the saved game onto your gp32 and play it were you left off and vice versa. This emulator has the potential to be really really sweet if only it had alittle more speed. If snes9xgp could get up to the speed of snesemu then it would be the most amazing thing on the gp32 hands down.
yeah I had heard that, about emulators automatically loading IPS patches when placed in the same dir. with the game of the same name. Didn't bother trying with front mission though (easy enough just to apply the patch to the rom!) -- I sat through the intro sequences, speed seemed pretty good in zardoz' emu and likewise seemed pretty playable in snes9x.. granted i didn't get far enough in it to try any actual BATTLES. Anyway I'll try it out some more this week, I have been anticipating playing this game for awhile. It was recommended "if you liked Advance Wars on GBA, you'll like this!" <-- good enough for me!

thanks for the help everybody.
I was not a big fan of front mission at all, I dunno why it just wasn't my thing. I do like advanced wars alot and hove found that military madness for the pc engine is by far the best comparison to advanced wars you will find for the gp32. The game is emulated very will and just alot of fun to play. There is also famicom wars which runs ok on infones and has an english patch available. As well as super famicom wars which is a snes game which there is not patch for and since snes emulation is not that great is not worth your time. Advanced wars is a sequel to the famicom wars series but is far and away much more fun. If i were you I would deffinatly check out military madness though its a good time as far as turn based war games go.