save state in snes9x?


Still Fresh
Apr 26, 2003
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hi, it seem that there is a save function in the new snes9x, how does it work, how do you save and how do you load your saved game? cose restarting zelda every time is not funny
hey man, this isn't quite 'save state' as you may be used to from certain other emulators, where you are able to save when and wherever you want.. this is the second-best thing, if the actual game supported saving originally then this will save ina like manner (like everytime you get to an in-game save point, THEN it will be saved. Depending upn the game, it is always handled differntly - but you get the idea)

how to use? simple, when you run the game just go to the emulator pause menu, and tell it to save a SRM file. I don't know yet if it will dynamically save (each time in the emulated game tha you 'save' if it will write to the SRM), I have been just going to the pause menu manually and doing one of these saves after I have saved in-game. get it?

so, to recap - not as cool as 'flash-saving' (or snapshot-saving), but certainly way better than nothing! And more accurate tothe true game, as well.

anybody else, feel free to fill in the holes i left...