How to remove the function that gives a right click when pushing left click 1 second ?

I'm sure there is an option for this in the XFCE Mouse settings...somewhere... If not, you also can search in the XFCE Settings/tweaks.
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Already did, but will try again.


Nope :/
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Settings -> Pandora nub configurator.
Haha, no. That is what you would use if you want to remove mouse clicks from the nub. What Linux-SWAT means is to remove the hold down to right-click behaviour which is there to allow you to right-click with the stylus.

I also have no idea where that is configured.
I think the right-click emulation is provided by libgtkstylus... So commenting out the "GTK_MODULES=${GTK_MODULES}" line from /etc/X11/Xsession.d/45gtkstylus (or moving the file away entirely) should disable that after a restart.

I have no idea what other side effects that may have though.
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Worked !

You're my hero of the day !

Exactly what i looked for.
