How To Overclock In Gpcinema


Still Fresh
Sep 7, 2006
Ok just got my very first GP32 (bough from CU_Amiga for £15!). gp32_console

Been watching some Xvid encoded TV programs and playing some emu on it.

GPCinema has so far ran my encoded things fine but, I want to clock it up from 133mhz to 166mhz.

I press select and get into the menu and I can see the bit saying CPU:133mhz but I cant actually figure out how to make this any higher. All I can seem to do is ffw and rww :)

Many thanks!
If I remember correctly, you can only overclock when you first run the program, do so by pressing the Select button (it cycles through the different values).

- Alex
Yeah when you run it you hold select and the help screen comes up, then you press the R button to cycle through CPU speeds...

Also I am in need of a bettery cover as mine came without one. Anyone got one? :P

Another question.

I cant link my GP32 to my PC via USB with the pclink program.

I always get cannot open usb port (or something like that)

I installed the GamePark GP32 software using the exe (I presume the drivers are installed with this?) If not where do I put the drivers on my PC? I got a CD with a folder named driver with 2 files in it.

Many thanks. B)
Smiley posted on Sep 8 2006 at 12:32 PM said:
Yeah when you run it you hold select and the help screen comes up, then you press the R button to cycle through CPU speeds...

Also I am in need of a bettery cover as mine came without one. Anyone got one? :P

Another question.

I cant link my GP32 to my PC via USB with the pclink program.

I always get cannot open usb port (or something like that)

I installed the GamePark GP32 software using the exe (I presume the drivers are installed with this?) If not where do I put the drivers on my PC? I got a CD with a folder named driver with 2 files in it.

Many thanks. B)
do you have a card reader?, if so, install gpdrive/phodrive, it lets your gp32 act as a mass storage device.
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Yeah I have been using a card reader.

I want something that properly formats the SMC card with all the correct folders etc.

I have formatted some SMCs in command prompt to FAT and sometimes they work ok sometimes they dont.

I will look into phodrive...