How To Link To Iphone 3Gs To Use 3G?


Linux Virgin!
Aug 16, 2008
United Kingdom
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I know its early days but does anyone know how i can link my pandora to my iphone 3gs to use mobile internet? I can get my laptop to do it but I use a program called Addition's iPhone modem 3 but that has an app for the iphone and app for my laptop so it's just a case of running both programs and clicking connect. It links using wifi not bluetooth and I think it's something to do with ad-hoc or something but that's about as far as i know about it so if anyone has any ideas or can point me somewhere
that would be great. I'll check back when get home, cheers.
Mithrildor said:
There should be some tethering option in the OS already. I think its the Iphone OS limiting this. Check the Iphone appstore ( and apple) if there is any app for this (maybe jailbreak ??)

I've put this on the back burner ftm until I get my router working at home sorted. My iphone is already jail broken and there's some tethering programs but I've not really looked into it yet. That was gonna be my thing to do tonight because I thought resetting my router would work but it didn't :(
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I did this with a Windows Mobile Phone a while ago - had to do this via commandline as we don't have a GUI yet.
Tried it with an iPhone from a friend, couldn't get it to work (the iPhone refused my connection), but I can try to lookup the commands I used if you want.

A proper GUI for that is still on our To-Do-List :)
I saw this video for creating a wifi signal from a jailbroken iphone that might work (?)
Theres a jailbreak app that makes your iphone into a router (send out wifi, other devices can connect to it) I think its called MiWi or Mi3G or something like that
I suggest you get libimobiledevice and update to the newest networkmanager ( It can tether at the push of a button IIRC.
If you have a jailbroken iphone 3gs like me, install and use mywi. It makes your iphone a wireless hotspot;)
doesnt work with my psp though, but does on my notebook. So i dont know if it will work with pandora.
I plan to use itunnel, hopefully over the otg port (so the pandora doesn't charge the iPhone). It'll be a bit of work to get this running but it should be alright for a nice solid tether when I'm out.

Edit: I've used this on the desktop and it works fine. I I attach it to programs with ssh client with dynamic forwarding mode (SOCKS) and proxychains. Hopefully there will be no hardships in getting itunnel and proxychains working. I assume ssh client will come with it or at least be available.
EvilDragon said:
I did this with a Windows Mobile Phone a while ago - had to do this via commandline as we don't have a GUI yet.
Tried it with an iPhone from a friend, couldn't get it to work (the iPhone refused my connection), but I can try to lookup the commands I used if you want.

A proper GUI for that is still on our To-Do-List :)

Interested good kind EvilDragon!

I've got a 2G 16gb Iphone jailbroken that I use with MyWi.


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I regularly tether my Touchbook (running an AngstromOS just like Pandora) with both my iPhone 3G and Android phones (G1DEV) and it works just like any other WLAN access point - there shouldn't be any changes required on the Pandora side, if things are set up properly on your phone .. with Android, for example, it just makes my phone appear like any other AP, with the difference that I have to confirm - on the phone - that I want the device (by MAC address) to connect.
torpor said:
I regularly tether my Touchbook (running an AngstromOS just like Pandora) with both my iPhone 3G and Android phones (G1DEV) and it works just like any other WLAN access point - there shouldn't be any changes required on the Pandora side, if things are set up properly on your phone .. with Android, for example, it just makes my phone appear like any other AP, with the difference that I have to confirm - on the phone - that I want the device (by MAC address) to connect.

Can't get it to work with MyWi on 2G iphone, your hunch is bad info.

My girl & i both used this in Reno w/ Macbooks, she sometimes had issues with her older mac but a restart on her machine or my phone or both was sometimes necessary. Rarely had issues w/ my newer Mac. PP (Pandora Post)
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Can't get it to work with MyWi on 2G iphone, your hunch is bad info.

I'm using an iPhone 3G .. I think the WLAN adapters are different classes between 2G/3G (802-11[a,b,c,g,n], etc..), so in fact it may not work in your case ..

When you bind with your newer Mac, what mode is the interface in? "a"/"b"/etc.? That might provide clues why its not working ..
torpor said:
Can't get it to work with MyWi on 2G iphone, your hunch is bad info.

I'm using an iPhone 3G .. I think the WLAN adapters are different classes between 2G/3G (802-11[a,b,c,g,n], etc..), so in fact it may not work in your case ..

When you bind with your newer Mac, what mode is the interface in? "a"/"b"/etc.? That might provide clues why its not working ..
I'm not sure which interface you are referring to. On the iphone, I don't see inside of MyWi anything regarding Interface A, B, etc. Where do I reference this info?

If you don't here back right away on this, i'm crashing for the night, will check this in the AM.

Peace & hash candy,

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I'm not sure which interface you are referring to. On the iphone, I don't see inside of MyWi anything regarding Interface A, B, etc. Where do I reference this info?

Have a look on your Macbook when its bound to your iphone - what does it say the interface is using for a WLAN protocol type? Could be that the iPhone 2G is just not compatible with the Pandora WLAN interface, yet your Macbook is ..
torpor said:
I'm not sure which interface you are referring to. On the iphone, I don't see inside of MyWi anything regarding Interface A, B, etc. Where do I reference this info?

Have a look on your Macbook when its bound to your iphone - what does it say the interface is using for a WLAN protocol type? Could be that the iPhone 2G is just not compatible with the Pandora WLAN interface, yet your Macbook is ..
I'm sorry, not really a guru on this type of thing on a Mac. I've searched around, the tethered iphone doesn't show up in my Preferred Networks. I'm connected to it, but I can't see where I can figure out what the WLAN configuration is.

Here is all I could find:
Phy Mod: 802.11g
BSSID: 2:22:92:c8:5c:8f
Channel: 9 (2.4 GHz)
Security: None
RSSI: -41
Transmit Rate: 54

Suggestions to look for this more? Sorry I'm such a dumbass.

Thanks for the help.


EDIT: Do you have your 3G or 3GS jailbroken?
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