Well, if you're interested, I could set up a remote connection for you incl. Webcam or I could send you an EVM or prototype setup.
Currently, the missing piece seems to be the kernel module. It is not present in the current builds of the Pyra OS, or any other OS for that matter. It is probably the "gcbv" from Ti's android kernel 3.8 that needs to be ported/compiled. I do not have any intentions of attempting this myself.
Partial source code for the client libraries can be found at
http://git.omapzoom.org/platform/external/bltsville.git/?p=platform/external/bltsville.git;a=summary(among other places probably, this is what I used.) You need to run ldconfig manually after installing it. Some needed binaries are included, not sure if they'll pose problems or not.
As for attempting to test if it works, I tried to use the bvtest program from
You'll need to add /usr/local/include/bltsville to CFLAGS, and you might want to remove USE_OMAPFB (or whatever it was called) from the makefile.
As for testing it, passed the following parameters. They're nothing special, just enough to get the test program to attempt doing something. Input file is from the official API repo (what you find when you just search for bltsville)
./bvtest -imp ticpu -src1file ../../../../bltsville/bltsville/blend-854x480-bad.jpg -src1 RGB24 854x480 -dst RGB16 854x480 -dstfile arne.bmp
Error copying source file data to source surface: (0x00000003) REQUIRED RESOURCE UNAVAILABLE.
This will throw an error, that according to the
documentation, means that it just failed to initialize. It seems to be looking for /dev/gcioctl, which indeed isn't present. Since I couldn't find a copy of the software implementation, I haven't tried with that, so I don't know if the test program will work at all.
And that's my core dump from what I learned trying to getting it working last night