How Much Should I Expect For This?

I'll give you $50 shipped, but I live in the UK, so I don't know how much shipping could cost. I could do with a little machine like this for my graphic design and coding courses.

EDIT: I'll give you 60
well if all you realy want it for is browsing the net its worth it as its not that big and is cheap :)

Like i said there i have no idea how much its worth. So what do you all think is a reasonable offer for it? Ebay has them going for like 30 but with an additional 30-40 for shipping. SHould i expect to get that shipping as part of the sale or should i only get around 30 for it?

yeah, it's too bad it's only a g3/128mb ram. if it was a g4 with even 512mb of ram, it might have been a good backup video transfer / editor / dvd video render/burner. your description is about right. a browser kiosk or mame computer is about as good as this could be.
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EDIT: Changed my mind, the offer stands.