Dragons Lair For The Amiga


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2003
Is this a Rare Collectable Game especially when its Boxed with Original Instructions etc??

Its an amazing Amiga game and probably the only Original game I have for the Amiga but I cannot find the Amiga Version for sale on like Ebay etc too see how much it sells for.

(Im not Selling it by the way, I just want to know how much its worth :)
Steve-O posted on Jul 31 2005 at 09:12 AM said:
Is this a Rare Collectable Game especially when its Boxed with Original Instructions etc??

Its an amazing Amiga game and probably the only Original game I have for the Amiga but I cannot find the Amiga Version for sale on like Ebay etc too see how much it sells for.

(Im not Selling it by the way, I just want to know how much its worth :)

no idea but a copy myself in my mums attic. Personally i thought it was rubbish :P
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