How Much Does Your Shoes Costs?


Dec 29, 2006
OK we complain about prices on gadgets such as the WIZ, rightly so but how much does other SIMPLE things like SHOES in your life costs? My ASICS sneaker costs $125 and last for 6 months.

PS: It was stolen yesterday night. :(
My combat boots cost around 80€€-100€€ and last a year. Nobody would steal them, as they are ugly and heavy.
I only wear Doc Marten's; my latest pair ran me 40 bux (great deal, those things last just about forever)
I got tired of buying cheapoo shoes because I had to replace them all the time. So I bought second hand eccos from the states, cost me about 60€. BTW, my asic's cost just 30€ or so, you might want to try ebay.
Ebay. Good idea. I buy most things from AMAZON or NEWEGG here in the USA.

EDIT: No go. Ebay also $125 from powersellers. My shoes size is uncommon 9.5 4E, hard to find on ebay from regular folks.
My shoe size is 16 (about 15 UK?) so I have to get them from the Casual Male XL store, where they are surprisingly the same size as any other pair, about $60
pandora said:

That is huge lol, have you considered a career as a clown? :) .


No, though I have been approached with the idea of being a star water skier (without skis) - But really, I'm 6'4", they aren't out of place.
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I have roughly £1000 worth of shoes. It's one of my vices.
Nova said:
I have roughly £1000 worth of shoes. It's one of my vices.

Wow. Lots of different cheap ones or just a few ripoff branded ones?

Do you have a vagina to go with that?
Lol, I thought it was more of a feminine thing too..
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My current shoes are the best I have ever had. They cost $3 at a garage sale.

Before that, I had a pair for about 4 years that cost $20. They disintegrated. In fact, the sole came off while I was out and I had to duck into a charity store for a temporary pair that came closest to fitting.

I rarely wear shoes.
pandora said:
Lol, I thought it was more of a feminine thing too..
I have 7 pairs of shoes :p. You just need lots of shoes if you want to do a wide range of activities without hurting yourself.
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Yeah, true. But 7 different activities? Really?

Me; 1 pair for college/work, 1 pair for sport/running, 2 pairs for casual wear. Simples.
2 pairs of hiking boots, one pair of low cut boots for every day walking (I still generally do 5-10 miles when I don't use the car), cheap trainers for driving (I can't feel the pedals through boots), 2 pairs of trainers for sport, and one pair of black shoes which I bought to wear to a ball and never wore again!
Actually yeah, I do have a pair of hiking boots, just don't use them often unless I'm going.... well, hiking