How Much Dev Funds Donated?

He'd have to get comfirmation from everyone who donated if that would be ok. (might not actually be that many).

You're right, 'people didn't pay for that'.
Craig and team. If any of you ever come to Oklahoma for some strange ass reason, I promise I'll buy you dinner. Maybe more. You'll have to be witty and charming for more though. And I'm pretty drunk so I think you should probably print this out and use it against me if you ever do come here.

Thank you for the Pandora. Let me know if you need help. I could probably throw some machines together if it came down to it. Just keep me alive on some cheap tacos or cheeseburgers and occasionally give me some cheap rum and I'll be good to go.
Unfortunately, those that donated by credit card have been refunded so the dev fund has been depleted too.
bustaballs said:
Craig and team. If any of you ever come to Oklahoma for some strange ass reason, I promise I'll buy you dinner. Maybe more. You'll have to be witty and charming for more though. And I'm pretty drunk so I think you should probably print this out and use it against me if you ever do come here.

Thank you for the Pandora. Let me know if you need help. I could probably throw some machines together if it came down to it. Just keep me alive on some cheap tacos or cheeseburgers and occasionally give me some cheap rum and I'll be good to go.
rum, hmm. I'd love at glass with ice while i sit working on these reports.
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when I repaid by bank transfer, I made sure to include that dev fund amount again, and few quid extra to cover some administration costs!!