I Can't Make Up My Mind!


Still Fresh
Jan 3, 2010
Ok, so I am new to these forums, and new to the Open Pandora.
I think it is a fantastic looking little machine and I would love one. My only issue is cost, as I am a bit strapped for funds at the moment with bills to pay, and a work contract ending very soon.
So, my question to you fine people starts at this.
I really want something to play some of my oldschool games on, and was eyeing the Dingoo for awhile before the OP caught my attention.
Now the dingoo is only $100 as you know, and the OP $330.
I'm having a really hard time justifying $330 right now for the OP, and I figure if I were to spend 180 on the Wiz I might as well just save for the Pandora :P
So the Dingoo again has been looking tempting.
I would still love to end up with the Pandora in the near future, as it would be great to play some of my N64 and PSX titles on it, as well as some Quake! (Plus, everything else that it does... haha. Bluetooth internet tethering anyone?)
I was only curious if anyone here is an owner of the Dingoo? And if so, is it worth getting while I save up the money to get a Pandora? (It could be awhile :P)
Any advice would be great! :D

Darth_Moose said:
Ok, so I am new to these forums, and new to the Open Pandora.
I think it is a fantastic looking little machine and I would love one. My only issue is cost, as I am a bit strapped for funds at the moment with bills to pay, and a work contract ending very soon.
So, my question to you fine people starts at this.
I really want something to play some of my oldschool games on, and was eyeing the Dingoo for awhile before the OP caught my attention.
Now the dingoo is only $100 as you know, and the OP $330.
I'm having a really hard time justifying $330 right now for the OP, and I figure if I were to spend 180 on the Wiz I might as well just save for the Pandora :P
So the Dingoo again has been looking tempting.
I would still love to end up with the Pandora in the near future, as it would be great to play some of my N64 and PSX titles on it, as well as some Quake! (Plus, everything else that it does... haha. Bluetooth internet tethering anyone?)
I was only curious if anyone here is an owner of the Dingoo? And if so, is it worth getting while I save up the money to get a Pandora? (It could be awhile :P )
Any advice would be great! :D


Hello Moose,

This forum has a complete section for the Dingoo. My advice is to read/ask around there.

Oh, and welcome :)
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Well, if you end up wanting the Pandora in the end, and if you want it SOON, then you'd better find some money quick, because the first batch is nearly sold out. Also, if all you want is retro emulation, then a Wiz or a Dingoo is a good choice. If you eventually have a strong desire for a Pandora, then I'm sure you can get enough money in a few months for the second batch of Pandoras even if you do get a Dingoo/Wiz to occupy yourself with while you wait. One can never have too many gadgets! ;)

Oh, and I would sell you my Wiz for $115.00, but alas! 16 (17 on Feb. 1st) is too young for an eBay account. If you can find a way for me to sell it, then I'd be happy to oblige.

Edit: And welcome to the forums!
Dingoo's a great little machine and would certainly tide you over until the second batch of Pandoras are ready (if the first batch are sold out).
Maybe a used GP2X?
They're great little machines..

Not much on performance side:

Sega - SMS, Genesis, Mega CD and maybe 32x (??)
Nintendo - NES, SNES, GB.
Most everything as old, or older should work, too.

SDHC cards!

Doom, Duke, Quake (orig). They are fun.
You could find one cheap as chips on ebay or online store or even someone here might be selling one?
There are so many new devices just flooding in with CES this year. I would just wait it out and save up if anyone was thinking about getting new devices. So far none of them have a control interface that comes close to the Pandora.
Since you primarily want it for emulation I would agree with Kingoddball. Get yourself a GP2X for now.

The GP2X has many, many more emulators then the Dingoo, Wiz or even the Pandora at the moment. You should be able to get yourself one from ebay nice a cheap.

Get yourself one of the more common black F100 models because the white ones had a funny push button d-pad.

If you like your GP2X (which you will) you can then save-up for one of the second batch of Pandoras.
carlgeorge said:
Since you primarily want it for emulation I would agree with Kingoddball. Get yourself a GP2X for now.

The GP2X has many, many more emulators then the Dingoo, Wiz or even the Pandora at the moment. You should be able to get yourself one from ebay nice a cheap.

Get yourself one of the more common black F100 models because the white ones had a funny push button d-pad.

If you like your GP2X (which you will) you can then save-up for one of the second batch of Pandoras.

I rescently bought a GP2X F200 after seeing my friends F100 and made me want one. I chose the F200 over the F100 purely because I didn't like the stick. I find the push buttons far better for platform games, mario, sonic etc, I'm sure its not the same for street fighter combos though.. depends what your playing really. The Pandora's D pad owns all IMO

What type of games do you play Darth_moose?
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I just took a look at the Dingoo and I'm impressed. Clean design, Nintendo style dpad, available in black or white (pink later) and there's even a Swedish site that sells nothing but Dingoos. If you're looking for nothing but old school 8bit and 16bit games and an MP3 player then I would go for this.

Does it do full speed GBA?

Craig did a video review of Dingoo vs Wiz.
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What you have to ask yourself is: do you want thrills and excitement? I had a look at my mates Dingoo, and yeah it's a lovely machine for standard homebrew, but... I don't see anything new or suprising happening there. If you look at all the stuff being developed for the Pandora you can see it's a lead platform for handheld homebrew (possibly THE lead platform).
also the console is called a Pandora not an "OP" or "OpenPandora", that's the name of the company making it.
Wow guys, thanks for the responses!
Awakening - I believe it does GBA full speed, and with Dingux installed runs everything even better!
MVickers03 - I play platformers, RPG's, action RPG's (big zelda fan)
Pretty much everything save for sports games ((which now that I think of it I do kinda play occasionally.. Golf games mostly, but I love NHL 94 - 97 for the SNES)

I looked up the GP2X f100 and F200, and for the ones I could find the price wasn't much different than what I could find the Dingoo for brand new. :)

From what I have seen of the Dingoo it seems like a good bet whilst waiting, and seeing as my iPod screen broke I could use it as a spare media device when I get the Pandora (although I'm sure IT will be my main media device anyway :P)

I wouldn't mind havin a Dingoo it whilst waiting for Pandora (Which I really wanna get, not only for te machine, but to support the team as I think its really awesome what they've accomplished!) :)
Thanks for the help!
Anyone with any other advice regarding machines, feell free to pipe in :D


PS- thanks for the welcome :)
Darth_Moose said:
Ok, so I am new to these forums, and new to the Open Pandora.
I think it is a fantastic looking little machine and I would love one. My only issue is cost, as I am a bit strapped for funds at the moment with bills to pay, and a work contract ending very soon.
So, my question to you fine people starts at this.
I really want something to play some of my oldschool games on, and was eyeing the Dingoo for awhile before the OP caught my attention.
Now the dingoo is only $100 as you know, and the OP $330.
I'm having a really hard time justifying $330 right now for the OP, and I figure if I were to spend 180 on the Wiz I might as well just save for the Pandora :P
So the Dingoo again has been looking tempting.
I would still love to end up with the Pandora in the near future, as it would be great to play some of my N64 and PSX titles on it, as well as some Quake! (Plus, everything else that it does... haha. Bluetooth internet tethering anyone?)
I was only curious if anyone here is an owner of the Dingoo? And if so, is it worth getting while I save up the money to get a Pandora? (It could be awhile :P )
Any advice would be great! :D


I can't make your mind up for you. I can however tell you that if you do opt for the Pandora, you probably won't be disappointed. If however you go for the dingoo, you might, in at least one area, find it lacking.

Also, while $330 sounds steep, bear in mind that us UKers have to pay roughly $430 (inc shipping). So you are getting an absolute deal at that price.

EDIT: Oh and I see you are very new. Welcome to GP32x!
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The funny thing is, for the Pandora, I don't think 330 is steep, haha.. I just don't have it right now :P
I know I wouldn't be disappointed with it, I'm just impatient sometimes!
I understand the delays completely tho.
I hope it launches this month!
Thanks for the welcome and sorry for the grammatically chaotic response.. I'm very tired.

Darth_Moose said:
Wow guys, thanks for the responses!
Awakening - I believe it does GBA full speed, and with Dingux installed runs everything even better!

MVickers03 - I play platformers, RPG's, action RPG's (big zelda fan)

GBA emulation appears to be good speed on Dingoo. Zelda - Minish Cap is a joy to play on the device. With Dingux Megadrive and SNES are both good - though SNES still isn't really fast enough to play Mario Kart properly. Mario World is fine though.

From what I have seen of the Dingoo it seems like a good bet whilst waiting, and seeing as my iPod screen broke I could use it as a spare media device when I get the Pandora (although I'm sure IT will be my main media device anyway :P )
PS- thanks for the welcome :)

Dingoo is awesome for Video playback and as a MP3 player. Only listening to MP3s I get a good 12 hours out of the battery. It plays back almost any movie file I throw at it.

The only issue I have with Dingoo is the headphone jack - it's placed in a great position for listening to music, but you'll probably find yourself playing most games without sound in public; the headphone cable just gets in the way.
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