How Many Games Do You Finish?

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With flood of games, the temptation of buying more games than you can ever play is higher than ever. In turn, most of the games that I buy remain unfinished, especially RPGs are hard to come back, since I can't remember what I was doing or where I was supposed to go.

Another factor that cause this "unfinished" business is the confusion that I have between games that I like and games that I want to like. I'm sure you'll agree that there are games that you think highly, but find yourself not totally getting into it when you play it. What are those games in your case and why do you think you want to like them, but can't like them? :rolleyes:
if an RPG can pull me into the game, i will finish it. Right now, i have XenoGears, Final Fantasy II (not V), that i don't intend on finishing unless i get bored. What i'm working on is Mario Bros Parnters in time and The SUffering, i will finish both
Depends finished over half my Gamecube games last year so about 15 odd and maybe about 4 pc fps

This year i will probably be working my way through DS games.

I also notice i only get around to completing games i buy rather than 'ahem' aquire.. hence i completed lots of Gamecube games last year.
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To elaborate.

I finish about one game a year at most, I just don't have the time or the patience anymore. The last game I finished was Call of duty 2 but even that became a chore in the end.

I think I'm either slowly giving up on modern gaming or I've yet to fully appreciate how much my lifestyle has changed and affected my gaming habits over the past three years thanks to university.

I've just sold my PSP, and my laptop struggles with most new releases so the only games which I'm gonna finish anytime soon are ones which I've finished before, either on my DC, or via a playstation emulator.

I always have time for classics.
To elaborate.

I finish about one game a year at most, I just don't have the time or the patience anymore. The last game I finished was Call of duty 2 but even that became a chore in the end.

I think I'm either slowly giving up on modern gaming or I've yet to fully appreciate how much my lifestyle has changed and affected my gaming habits over the past three years thanks to university.

I've just sold my PSP, and my laptop struggles with most new releases so the only games which I'm gonna finish anytime soon are ones which I've finished before, either on my DC, or via a playstation emulator.

I always have time for classics.
ah welcome to the world of us old farts, im still tyrying to finish games from spectrum (skool daze) and c64 era (paralex) and this is from the frist time around :)
heaven only knows when i'll actually get roubd to completreing my PC/gamecube games
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Moz, im in the same boat as you. I still spend most of my time trying to finish my old games :D

I remember back in the SNES heyday, i used to buy or trade every new RPG that hit the market.. i played them all. Didnt finish them all, but i didnt want to miss anything good. Then as time went on, more and more games were being produced at once. I began to realise that it was becoming impossible to play every game. Just means you gotta do a little more research when picking what to buy.
i don't finish enough games myself! last time i had a good finish-rate were in the dreamcast days. now i play more casual stuff and classics and don't beat many games partly because i'm more busy and also because there isn't much stuff that interest me 100%.

oh yeah, games that i still haven't finished but like a lot are front mission 4, gradius v and other ps2 games. dont have a ps2 anymore though.
I'm pretty sure that the only game i've played long enough to complete it is.. Mario on the original gameboy.
Get bored of games way too quickly.
Seem to get bored of the newer games even quicker than the older one's as well, it's got to be said.

I remember how satisfied I was upon completing Sabrewolf (the speccy version on the speccy) back in the 80's without any maps or cheats.

I also completed (years later) the mega-drive version of Mickey's World Of Illusion (on the megadrive). Those Mickey games are great (if you like platform level games). Can't beat Manic Miner or Jet Set Willy though (which I have never finished without cheats).
To me, the worst game is Tactics Ogre 64, which is a 100 hour game that I play about 1~2 hours a year. Hopefully, I'll finish it before I die! :ph34r:
BTW I was thinking that since people rarely beat games nowadays including reviewers, developers may get away with unfinished game that nobody will find out. :D
Nowadays, none.

I can't even remember the last game I finished (might have been Metal Slug: 1st mission on the Neo Geo Pocket, not sure).
I buy more than I play :unsure:

I've somehow become more of a collector.

Heres a list of my current uncompleted games(rpgs):

Valkyrie profile
Star ocean
Arc the lad 2 & 3
Tales of destiny 1
Breath of fire 4
Lunar 2
The legend of dragoon*sigh*
Growlanser 2 & 3
Xenosaga 2
Wild Arms alter code F

:o ...
well, i definitely play more than i beat, but I still beat quite a few games a year.

Some games I've beaten this past year:
legend of dragoon
Breath of fire I
Shadow of the Colossus

Some games I bought but haven't beaten:
Riviera (i've played for 12+ hours, only about half-way or so....)
Final Fantasy IV (i've had this since christmas and have played it about 10 hours)
Mario & luigi partners in time
Resident Evil 0 (I got 4 and now I'm no longer that interested in it)

I have gotten a lot more games than that, but i can't remember them all :P
i have alundra, one of the hundreds of games ive bought, played for an hour then gave up, as ive got older i finishless games, but i buy more than ever, i think the last game i finished was mariokart ds (gold on all, doneall misions) but before that was probably resident evil 4 about 9 months ago ( guitar heroes too, but only on normal) and im nearly at the end of mario an luigi partners in time(22 hours), along with animal crossing, kameo, pgr3, and more, only today i part exd some games and got mario tennis gba, starfox assault(9.99!!new) a used copy of amped 3 and the beta version of final fantasy xi. ive only played mario tennis so far, i think i have a problem.