How Is The Wait Line Set Up?


Still Fresh
Mar 10, 2008
just wondering what the set up for receiving is for the pandora who gets theirs first rma preorder or premium
looked through Google and forum and wiki couldn't find thanks
the order of process is you after everybody else. this applies to everybody else as well
It used to be pre-orders, R.M.A and then second batch.

Nowadays it seems more like Premium and R.M.A's are tied for joint first, then second batch starts as soon as the new board companies up and running, and pre-orders whenever C.C sort their sh*t out; which could be never.
There are no official data about priorities, personally I think it's just "agile".

Tripmonkey_uk said:
then second batch starts as soon as the new board companies up and running, and pre-orders whenever C.C sort their sh*t out; which could be never.

I don't think it's going to happen. Your order isn't assigned to any particular board (or other part). It seems natural for OP to consecutively fulfill orders from both batches with every board they have available (reserving some for preniums and RMA's)
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"The first shall be last and the last shall be first."

Or something like that?

Interesting sociological experiment in any case.
I am pretty sure that the team is aiming to get the 'batches' processed in order. If the new company is ready to go before CC finish fixing the boards then they will complete batch 1 with the first boards from the new company.

Can't really link to any sources, this is just how I have interpreted the posts by ED on the other boards.