How Do I Know When I'll Get My Pandora Back?


May 18, 2013
I sent my Pandora in for repairs a few days ago to Link's shop to fix the LCD Cables. I sent it insured, and with tracking. I checked the tracking yesterday and saw that the Pandora should arrive there sometime today, which made me wonder, is there a way for me to know when I'll get it back? Will I get an e-mail with a tracking number for the return, or do I just have to keep waiting, not knowing when I'll get it back?

Sorry if this is already posted, or if I asked this in the wrong place, this is my first topic and I wasn't 100% sure where to put it.)
You've done the right thing. Link is an all-round good guy, and will get it back to you in a timely fashion. 

Okay, thanks for the quick reply! So Link's got a pretty good reputation I take it. That's actually better than a tracking number, haha.
...That didn't directly answer my question, but that's okay. As long as I get it back in good shape I'm happy; I'll wait!
  Alright, just got my Pandora back! I'm actually typing on it right now, haha. For future reference for anyone planning on sending their's in, I sent it in June 1st, and got it back the 15th. I don't know if this is the usual, but two weeks for me.

  Well, my question was (obviously) answered, so I guess we can close this thread now.
Took 2 months for my Xbox 360 to be repaired when it got a case of the RROD.. I say for a small operation two weeks is fantastic.
Right? It really makes you respect Link! I also forgot to mention that apparantly, he was out of state for vacation or something like that at the time I sent it away. So what does that have to say about Microsoft? Hahaha!
Gogo link <3

I wonder if microsoft does that to keep their return rates low, the more units out of customers hands the less returns they get. If you return your 360 6 times total thats a full year worth of transit, which mean time between failure translates to one less console on RMA in that same waiting period.