It's a shame one has to subscribe to a 3rd party service to contact him when there's a perfectly good forum here already. Personally I don't (and won't) use any of those services, so if I find my self in this same situation in the future I'll probably end up with the same result.
No, you do not have to use a third party service.
You can find a real telephone number here:
ED answers to that at regular business hours (11:30-18:00 Europe time).
If he does not answer, just try half an hour later.
If you do not even want to own a phone number, go to an other person's house and use their phone.
This also boils down to simple economics. Most average people use those services and ED can't ignore them, or he will lose business. Additionally, he evidently doesn't have time to keep up with all of the social media services in addition to the forum and everything else.
To be fair, here on the forum, it's really down to us as a community to rally together to help one another.
I am sorry to insist on this, but for cases like this, where clearly something went wrong, there is a phone number (link above) you can call.
You are by no means forced to use any third party application or service.
ED does answer his phone (when he hears it and no loud machinery is running).
Using one of those services is simply more convenient for the customer and ED because the communication is asynchronous.
Also most people probably are subscribed to one of those services already and it is much more comfortable for them than trying to reach ED via a call.
However you are not forced to and a phone number to reach him directly is in the "legal" section of the shop, open available to everyone.
I would highly recommend to call him until he answers the call.
I have seen him talking to customers first hand. I have never seen him ignoring his phone on purpose.
No, I do not have any contract with him and do not get paid to say this.
I just want to help here. Give it a shot and use the good old call
So I checked again. At the top left of the shop page there is an official link called "Contact us".
It leads to this page:
Quote from that link:
Or you can call us: +49 841 1317733
We are usually available from Monday to Friday between 11 am and 7 pm.
It is 100% valid that there are complaints raised about not getting back the Pandora. This should not have happened.
However there is no valid reason to complain about being forced into a third party service if a direct phone number is provided.
The problem is that, as you can see on a screen capture, my order as been tagged as complete since november 28th 2023. So how would anyone know there is something wrong now ?
Besides, even if there was something I would buy from DragonBox, I wouldn't spend more money not knowing I would receive anything and throw that money away.
It's a shame one has to subscribe to a 3rd party service to contact him when there's a perfectly good forum here already. Personally I don't (and won't) use any of those services, so if I find my self in this same situation in the future I'll probably end up with the same result.
@Gilles , hope you can get it sorted one day. I think you've been very respectful and certainly deserve a response. Perhaps @Askarus could mention it to ED next time he is in the office?
Thank @Git1 .
I don't want to use those services too.
Take a look at South Park's "You have 0 friends" episode and you'll know what I'm tallking about.
When I placed my order, there was a ticket system. I recall it wasn't easy to find the link to have access to it. So maybe it still exist and I can't find it anymore although I looked everywhere.
Anyway, I think we shouldn't have to keep track of which communication channel ED fancies to use at the moment. I guess it changed countless times during the 3 and a half past years.
At the very least, if there had been a system which only allowed to validate my order by using an "ED approved communication channel", I would have cancelled everything and kept my Pandora in its drawer as a souvenir.
I don't have a mobile phone and I simply don't subscribe to anything that forces me to provide a mobile phone number.
I totally agree, but it is not our shop. ED can do whatever he wants and if I don't like it buy from someone else. After all these years, nobody is entitled to receive Pandora support anyway.
Recently I've been "forced" to buy an(other) Android phone because my bank (abn-amro) stopped supporting logging into my account via my e.dentifier. Logging into my account is now only possible via an app. Do I like that? Certainly not. The same issue with a broker I wanted to join (trade republic) for higher interest (4%), only possible to register via an android app. No web based solution.
Unfortunately it is how the world/free market works and the customers objecting to this is a very small minority. If you don't like it and stick to your guns, you make life harder for yourself and don't kid yourself - you will not change one iota.
Thanks for the advice. I should just go hang myself.
Fortunately, my bank provided me with a device that allows me to log into my account without the need for a mobile phone. So, it seems there are solutions after all.
I don't think there's a law that auhorizes ED to keep my money and my Pandora just because I don't want to use whatever way to communicate he desires.
Maybe there should be a worldwide law to grant automatic death penalty to anyone who doesn't want to have a mobile phone. I guess I'm the last one, so why bother? I'd kill myself soon enough anyway.
I drifted a little from the main subject here...
I'd like to be clear on a certain number of points:
1) I know this is a niche market and we should be gratefull that it exists. And we should also be patient. I've been patient for more than 3 years now. Just take a look at the dates my message were sent.
2) When my first LCD Ribbon broke the first time, I ordered, on july 31th 2012 a new platinum case with a new LCD, just so that I could have a new ribbon without too much hassle. When that 2nd ribbon broke, my Pandora sat for a couple of years. I sometimes looked if there was some spare available at DragonBox. So, I agree we shall be gratefull to ED that he offers (sometimes) Pandora support. He doesn't have to. Yes, that's right. But that's precisely the point: he chose to make those parts available. And since I payed for it, I'm entitled to get what I payed for.
3) My wife runs a business. And even if it's in a completely different branch, I can see that running a business is a very hard work. She doesn't sleep a lot. Her back hurts, her fingers hurt (to the point she sometimes have trouble sleeping the few hours she can sleep). So yeah, I can imagine ED's life and I can sympathize. But, even though she barely pays herself, she never takes on a client's order she can't fulfill. And if anything doesn't go perfectly enough, she'd just have a commercial gesture, even when the client says she doesn't have to and he is happy enough. I'm not saying that to claim a gesture from ED. I'm just saying that I understand what running a business is and I'm gratefull that he does what he do. But it shouldn't be an excuse.
4) As stated in my previous message, I'd have bought a spare ribbon and place it myself, keeping my Pandora home. If I succeeded, I could have enjoyed it until it broke again. If I failed, then I would have bought another ribbon if there was still one left. In the end, I know that my Pandora would have sooner or later died and get back to its drawer. But I would still have it with me and could remember the days when I took part in an adventure long before crowdfunding became so common. Instead, it was ED's choice to sell those ribbons only to the condition we sent the Pandora to him.
So please: I know you're trying to support ED. I wish its business will grow and expand and give him the wealth he deserves for his hard work. But please, stop acting like it's normal that the last time I heard from him was to say: "At the moment it's sitting in a box buried somewhere in the too small office".
I was writing while you posted.
I might try to call. But it would have been better in writing (it's easier to find the words and to try to control emotions)
I was writing while you posted.
I might try to call. But it would have been better in writing (it's easier to find the words and to try to control emotions)
So please: I know you're trying to support ED. I wish its business will grow and expand and give him the wealth he deserves for his hard work. But please, stop acting like it's normal that the last time I heard from him was to say: "At the moment it's sitting in a box buried somewhere in the too small office".
I 100% agree. This should not have happened and you should have gotten back your Pandora many months ago.
I guess all what people want to say is that ED has no intention too scam you.
This i clearly a mistake that has happened by bad incidents happening and coming together.
Also I agree that you should not be obliged to own a smartphone for anything. I, too dislike them.
Your best bet is to be persistent and see to get ED on the phone.
Do not give up if he does not answer the first time. He has a big office and sometimes has to work on loud machinery or is out with a customer.
He will answer when he hears the phone (which is most of the time).
I agree that this is stupid and I would be very pissed if I was you.
@Gilles sounds like a very patient person. I would indeed recommend to phone ED's shop and speak to him in person. There shouldn't be any need to wait years for a repair and it does sounds like something failed in the return proces.
thank you for your advices.
I just phoned ED and he is going to see what he can do.
Apparently, my Pandora has not yet left his shop and he acknowledged my new address.
I'm hoping it will be solved in a not too far distant future.