How did you find out about the gp32?


Still Fresh
Apr 12, 2003
I found it out threw the zeropaid forum. which i regularly post. Someone left a link and said check this out. After that i was hooked. How about you guys?
i went to korea and got a good deal. came back and found it was a very good purchase.
I was at gbax looking for some flash2advance carts so I could play nes games on my gba. And then I saw the gp32

Boom - Hooked :D
I saw a picture a couple of months ago while anxiously awaiting the march 25 release of the GBA SP in Canada, I saw the GP32 and said what a piece of crap!

Then about six weeks ago I was looking for flash advance linkers for my GBA and happened upon I had time to kill so I read Craigs review. Boy was I wrong about GP32. 2 days later I bought one and its the best machine I have ever owned.

Thank goodness I read the review on
i was tinkering for one of those carts that let you play download games on the GB and then GBA, i found, read about GP32, wanted one, but the playability of the emu's on it at the time led to me going back to every few weeks to see how the emu's were coming along. i then decided to get one. i'm still waiting to get one as i want one with a lit screen. :(
Rainman posted on Apr 19 2003 said:
I was at gbax looking for some flash2advance carts so I could play nes games on my gba. And then I saw the gp32

Boom - Hooked :D
likewise! read the review on GBAX...within seconds i knew that i HAD TO PURCHASE IT - 5 minutes later i showed my 2 colleagues at work, and we ended up ordering 3 machines! (1 each :P)

definitely worth the money - it's the most fun machine i've had since my AMIGA back in the day! (what with the friendly development community/demo scene/free games ;))

gamepark should give craigix the rights to start a "gamepark uk" :P (considering so many of us bought it from him after going to his site)

s'all good :)
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I was reading a pc magazine (personal computer world) and they had a demo of tomac for PC. :D and they mentioned it was on the gp32 too, i didnt even have a clue what that was so i did a search on the internet, and as soon as i heard you could get free games for it i wanted it.
I heard about it a loooong time ago on Lik-sang, when it was still unavailable and being designed and stuff - that would have been just after I'd heard about the GBA (and seen an early import from Japan in Gamestation). I thought "What the hell" and had a look at it - it looked nice, but I didn't get it since they didn't actually compare it properly to the GBA except in screen-size (which would have been the alternative).

Had I known that the GBA ran at 16MHz + HW and the GP32 at 133, I'd probably have bought sooner; as it was, I didn't, but I held out as Lik-sang had the small bit of writing "expect lots of homebrew games and emulators wfor this piece of equipment". And I've always been into emulation.

Then last year, my birthday present fell through (I was after a GeForce 4 with Steroscopic capabilities if you're at all interested), and I needed to think of something fast. Since my old gameboy e-merger had just died on a trip to Peru, I needed something tho replace it, and it was buying a new one of those or something that could emulate a gameboy. And since the GP32 seemed to do it, I thought "may as well get it instead". And it's been great :)
I read about it in a post to the comp.sys.sinclair newsgroup. I'm not a particular Speccy fan these days but am fairly interested in writing Retro Remakes (see for some examples) and this seemed like a good source of inspiration (it's a great newsgroup too, actually).

I was interested immediately but thought it a bit unnecessary. It took about 3 hours for the "gottagetitgottagetitgottagetit" part of my brain to convince the rest of it. :)
I was looking at my favorite web page for emulation-
they had a post about it and followed it to GBAX.I got mine within a week-been hooked ever since :P
I saw the Slashdot article which linked to Craig's review. I order one later that morning.

:D First post :D

i just found that guy craigs site about an hour ago while looking to buy a gba flash card set...i saw the gp32x (god, i couldnt even remember what the thing was called) im in shock, ive never put my card details into a computer within an hour of actually seeing something...?!?!?! but, im getting over the shock now, and just glad i did all the full time work i did this vacation so i can afford it.

get warewolves in london for sprectrum people- that is a very nice game i promise!
Like most of us i was at GBAX looking to get a new Flash2Advance card for my GBA, saw the review and ordered ours the very same night :D

my poor GBA aint been touched since :)
I heard through Geepee32 a loong time ago at
After some researching some months ago, I found out it looks like the ideal handheld for me -
and then I ordered one at lik-sang :)
I was looking at a GBA importing article in a mag and found out about Lik-Sang. When I went to the page there was the GP32 shining out at me! :D