How did you find out about the GP32??


Still Fresh
Apr 8, 2003
Im very fortunate to find out about it as I was just on the verge of buying a GBA SP when someone over email just happened to mention they had a GP32 and it suited them fine. I thought I may as well go and give it a look not hoping much but when I started reading posts and information about this thing my money turned 180 away from the SP and all of a sudden I was really excited about getting this handheld called a GP32.
Now I got it it was the best decision I made and so thankul that person over email mentioned it otherwise I really wouldnt have known about it and if I did find out about it then I would have been a jealous GBA owner wanting an affair with a GP32!

Its all because I really wanted SWOS on the GBA but this bloke over email said you could play sensible soccer on GP32.

The real problem though is noone knows about this thing, noone in my class noone I know at all! I just hope the European release does bring some well deserved attention to this brilliant little handheld!
I heard about the GP32 on another gaming message board late last summer. I didn't pay it much heed until about a month or so ago, when it popped again, and someone posted info about all the cool emulators for it.
I was at GBAX buying another flash card for my GBA when i saw the review... still bought the flash card then 2 days later after reading more on the GP32, got a refund and bought 2 :D

Since then ive seen 3 of my m8s get one too :)
i heard about it about a year ago on an emulation site, can't remember which one, started looking into it, it sounded like the perfect handheld for my needs so i bought one in about sept '02.
its one of the best buys i have made (after my x-arcade that is).

i would not be without it.

playing zelda on nes at work on my dinner, perfect.

:D :D :D :D :D
Read about it ages ago in EDGE, didn't really give it a second thought until they featured it in their yearly awards, posted on a few sites to get some info, found this site, bought one from GBAX. Don't actually have yet, but still... :)
I read about it a few years ago (don't remember exactly when) on Pocket Magasine, a french mag on handelds. I think it was still only a concept, but it looked really cool. Bout six months ago I was on the web doing nothing, and I thought about googling GP32 up. First thing that came up was GP32Xtreme :D
Browsing Lik-Sang when I was looking for an E-Merger GBC writer... it was still in the concept stages, so didn't get one... just kept a bit of an eye on it. Then when my e-merger broke down, I wanted to replace it - and I remembered this, and thought I'd save up for one.

Believe it or not though, I actually only got one when it turned out the stereo graphics card I'd wanted for my birthday would have given me epileptic fits. Had to think of something fast (since it was within about a week and a bit), and this was what I chose - best decision I've made for a long while.
Ironically, it didn't arrive until a month and a half after my birthday though :(
I was walking across the moores earily one cold morning...

....i happened upon a lake, mist sweeping down the covering the gentle waters.

suddenly, as if a message from god... the heavens opened, and a stream of light pushed down onto the lakes surface. There a hand appeared from the water, rising up from it's watery depths, holding a white gameboy looking thing. Angels sang as a the wonderous lady in white appeared from the water. I felt drawn towards the gameboy looking thing, so i waded out to the centre of the lake and took the GP32 from her hands as she presented it to me..

then I held it aloft... and many looked to it in amazment and wonderment as it booted up with the game park 'ding-ding-deling' tune.

:blink: i really need to sleep.
i was surfing the internet in the early 2001 when i found gamepark's site...

then, i created a site, wich is now :D
r0lf posted on May 15 2003 said:
it booted up with the game park 'ding-ding-deling' tune.
hum, exCUSE me, it's ding-ding-ding-din-da-ling-ding-ding ;)
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stickofjoy posted on May 15 2003 said:
I heard it on the grapevine.
Same here, I was drooling uncontrollably when Yak posted this pic of his GP32 running Frodo. The thought of being able to run great old stuff like Paradroid (still not there yet, sprites/sprite collisions are still way off) and M.U.L.E. on a small handheld console was just mindboggling...
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