how did you break in my gym locker

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- hey im craig look at me im screaming to start shit, damn my life is so boring i have to be an attension whore. I can also be gay..oh wait im am, and i can do a handstand while coding hexen.
No this is an attention whore, and doing a handstand. Dont think shes codin hexen tho.
That sucks, well, I guess it's your own fault for bringing your GP32 to school and just putting it in your locker.
1.How can i dig myself in a hole, if im 14 and live with my parents(is that not normal)?
2.craig....ill pm u
3.i never said that u didnt say u werent an ass, because everyone knows it.
4.Xyo and hanuku.....where the fuck r u comin from. Xyo your such an offeat
5.Its not THAT HARD to hit someone a few times, but it is EASY to get suspendid. I tried to get him in the bathroom to beat him up for a reason.
1.How can i dig myself in a hole, if im 14 and live with my parents(is that not normal)?
2.craig....ill pm u
3.i never said that u didnt say u werent an ass, because everyone knows it.
4.Xyo and hanuku.....where the fuck r u comin from. Xyo your such an offeat
5.Its not THAT HARD to hit someone a few times, but it is EASY to get suspendid. I tried to get him in the bathroom to beat him up for a reason.
Oh shit guys hes gonna pm craig. Is this the end of our beloved member?!?
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5.Its not THAT HARD to hit someone a few times, but it is EASY to get suspendid. I tried to get him in the bathroom to beat him up for a reason.
Sounds a bit gay trying to get your friend to bring him into the bathroom where u were waiting to beat him.... Gang Bang :lol: :lol: :lol: :D Joking

Gotta admit it sounds a bit gay the way you said it :D :rolleyes: :blink:


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5.Its not THAT HARD to hit someone a few times, but it is EASY to get suspendid. I tried to get him in the bathroom to beat him up for a reason.
Can u not just take him out after school or at the weekend
I know if someone tried to nick my GP, id fu**in ave im.
He broke your locker, Now break his locker..... Using his head
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AAHH, those kids shouldn't mess around with things showing the magnitude of the REAL games which came out when they where just born. when I was at that age I played summer games with my mate and was happy. I didn't tell shit in a forum or insulted other ppl just because I didn't know better. (well at that time there wasn't any forum at all, but who cares... :P )

ok, i'll continue downloading my porn. btw.: anyone know "my diamond baby"? great classic :D :lol: :ph34r:
*reads gp32animefreak's latest story additions*
*holds up a card with 6.5 on it*

If there's no objections ... I think closing the topic would be a good idea right now. If for whatever reason you think that this is a wrong idea, please PM me. *evil stare at Kandor*
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