How can I persuade my parents to let me buy one?


Apr 8, 2003
Anyone have any ideas to persuade my parents to let me buy a gp32? I want a backlit one and they flipped out when I said it was $218.02 . Hmmmm. I tried lots of methods. I said "please" about 500 times. Everytime i got "NO!" :ph34r: . ARRRRG HELP ME
Tell them this equation - it can run the following:-

Master system + all Games - Worth £1000's
Gameboy + Most games - Worth £1000's

Do I need to go on......--don't think so
Get it as a double present for your Birthday and Christmas. It means you'll have to wait. Or get a part time job and save up.
you could sell some old systems if you have them - lets face it, the gps gonna play a lot of stuff and unless your a big collector you aint gonna miss them - no forget that, you'll only regret selling them in years to come.

how about the educational spin - tell them you can learn to programme with it - from basic stuff that will get you started, right up to the more complex stuff and could lead to a job in development for GBA games.

gary : ) BS all the way!
DOn't u think u r pushing it with the back light.

I meaan do you not own a console that you play at night?

speak to dad as dads prefer gadgets, and tell him its a divx player mp3 and console all in one!

Or just ask for a brand new 2000 quid pc they will soon get the gp32!


good luck mate
I have the money, just not the permission. But i think my dad will let. I need the backlight one because we're going on a huge car trip and my parents dont like driving with the car lights on.
Make sure you have enough baterries, and an extra smc card and make sure your cards all cram packed with loads of roms and emulator and even divx movies :)
just say "would you prefer me saying "dad are we nearly there yet?" for hours, or sitting quietly and playing on something to improve hand eye co-ordination and reflexes"

usually works