Well-Known Member
isnt there somewhere doing a volt mod for £10 or something ? coz if so you migth aswell just get it from lik-sang and if is too slow for you get the volt mod done. :lol:
6) The DS and PSP will indeed make the GP32 look like junk for commercial stuff. Hell the GBA makes the GP32 look like junk for commercial games. The reason to buy a GP32 is not for commercial stuff though. The reason to get the GP32 is for homebrew and emulators. That is a good thing because this makes the GP32 its "own thing" and is and will be unique. The PSP will be a "closed system" likely not have an EMU/homebrew scene, and the DS screen resolution is still not high enough to accurately emulate home consoles such as Genesis.Jez posted on Aug 7 2004 at 03:07 PM said:Wow thanks, I wasn't expecting replies so quickly.
Now I have a couple more questions!
6) Is the DS or PSP going to make the GP32 seem like a piece of junk?
7) I've seen people mentioning a 'GP32 2'. Is this still a long way away? (i.e. is it worth me waiting?)
8) Bearing in mind what you've said about the 180mhz model being guaranteed to overclock to 180mhz, is it worth paying the extra cash for that?
Thanks for helping![]()
Actually, almost all BLUs go up to 166 out the box. I bought a guaranteed 166 one from gbax (it was the only one available at the time) and it hasn't been modded at all.Vimacs posted on Aug 8 2004 at 06:26 AM said:gbax is doing the voltmod to (most of) the guaranted gp's they are selling. is offering teh volt mod for 10£, i think gbax is also using their service for the mod.
when you buy a blu from liksang you will maybe get 133mhz maybe more, arround 50% of blu's should go to 166mhz, and dont forget taxes.
when you get a 166mhz one from gbax its 166mhz, maybe 172, but not 180.
when you get a 180mhz one it is testet to 180, but not higher, can even be 200mhz with luck.
i wouldn't exactly call snes strugglingXyo posted on Aug 7 2004 at 11:27 AM said:BAsically, if you'll benefit from a PDA go for the Zodiac however if its mainly for emulation you're paying 150-200£ more for very little improvement.. Nes PC ENGINE AND BELOW ARE ALL PRACTICALLY PERFECT only the SNEs, GBA and NGP are struggling at the moment.
We aren't expected to run at 200mhz. 166 is the max for most people. It's ok at 166 as well.diablo2 posted on Aug 8 2004 at 03:02 PM said:i wouldn't exactly call snes strugglingXyo posted on Aug 7 2004 at 11:27 AM said:BAsically, if you'll benefit from a PDA go for the Zodiac however if its mainly for emulation you're paying 150-200£ more for very little improvement.. Nes PC ENGINE AND BELOW ARE ALL PRACTICALLY PERFECT only the SNEs, GBA and NGP are struggling at the moment.
as it plays most things full speed at 200 mhz