How Are You Going To Mod Your Pandora

L2R2 houlder buttons are no doubt easier to use as your fingers are only ever one trigger away on the L1R1 buttons

reaching for any other keys with your thumbs that are already fixed on nubs would be worse IMO

I'll get by without them, but would be nicer to have them, no doubt will be on future versions though as future verssions will prob be able to emu ps1 and ps2 etc which tend to use all the shoulder buttons more than the older gen games do
Kool trip... I hope they did then, your webcam mod will be a nice touch
Fzero said:
L2R2 houlder buttons are no doubt easier to use as your fingers are only ever one trigger away on the L1R1 buttons

reaching for any other keys with your thumbs that are already fixed on nubs would be worse IMO

I'll get by without them, but would be nicer to have them, no doubt will be on future versions though as future verssions will prob be able to emu ps1 and ps2 etc which tend to use all the shoulder buttons more than the older gen games do

... The Pandora can emulate the PS1, and at fullspeed, too.

-God Ginrai
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I'll probably vacuum form a clipon top where I'll mount a USB hub and a few other accessories, Flash Drive, Webcam, 3G maybe, and have another port or two sticking out the side.
Willrandship said:
I'll probably vacuum form a clipon top where I'll mount a USB hub and a few other accessories, Flash Drive, Webcam, 3G maybe, and have another port or two sticking out the side.

I would suggest clipping it to the bottom, putting extra weight on the screen (the part that is not held in the hands) is always a bad idea on clamshell devices.

-God Ginrai
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zRichi said:
I'm going to wire up a flux capacitor then go back to 1969

Rather than going back to November 5th 1955 to hook up with Michael J. Fox's mum?
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Hm... Some removable layer or panel that can be clipped onto the rear bottom area or something similar would be nice, and using micro switches as they were used in the indestructible C64/Amiga Competition Pro Joysticks (see here) would be adequate, they may be a bit bulky but at least they will last, you only need to press very softly to trigger them, and they are easy to fixate.

I didn't intend modding additional shoulder buttons for my Pandora, but now it caught me :P
Speaking of buttons, a friend of mine made a comment that it'd look nice with some Xbox controller "jewel" ABXY buttons. I had a feeling there was a picture of the Pandora buttons lying around somewhere (in the vein of "Look! The factory made something!" - I thought it included other bits like the stylus) but all I've been able to find so far are pictures of shoulder buttons.

Anyone able to find the picture I think I'm thinking of?

Do you think those pwetty Xbox controller buttons would fit (or could be made to)?

(PS: I've never owned or even really played any sort of Xbox, so I'm not familiar with the intricacies of the buttons. I'm open to the possibility they're too high for the clamshell or something... )
I really like put it "retro-stickers" :lol:

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zRichi said:
I'm going to wire up a flux capacitor then go back to 1969

o'rielly auto has em
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