How About Them Games on Pandora?

Ok, my turn to self-promote my ports :P
1st part: Rpg.

Many are available in this category.
You can find roguelike style, with Cataclysm 

or JRPG, with Valyria Tear 

. There is even a Action-RPG with Arx Libertatis (you need datas files, or try the demo)
If you prefer more classic RPG, there is also Monster 2 RPG

And don't forget that with engines like MegaZeux, you can find and download many new titles! 


It may be worth noting also GearHead 
and it's sequel GearHead 2 for some Mech RPG (but bear in mind that these 2 games have no sound at all).

For MMORPG, you can try ManaPlus

(All screenshots are taken from a Pandora of course).
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Second part: Shoot'em up & FPS

One of my favorite type of games.

From classic R-Type action with Prototype 

or multi-directionnal shooters, like M.A.R.S. 

Or some 3D ones, like No Gravity or ProjectX (formely known as Forsaken) 

My favorite beeing FPS, you will find many on the Pandora! Some are not by me (like AvP or Duke Nukem 3D), and some are, from good old DooM 
(there are even some data files that are completly free) to Jedi Kight II and III or Return to Castle Wolfenstein. You'll need the Data Files for all thoses, but there are demo if don't have them. In particular, The Jedi Knigh II demo feature a level not found in the full game (it's not the case for JKIII demo and RtCW demo that just include 2 levels from the full game).

If you prefer Arena type, you should try World of Padman, that feature very interesting graphic style
(but there are many other Arena FPS available).
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Part 3: Driving.

Not much native games, as already pointed out...

On the arcade side, it"s worth noting CannonBall(ok, it's partly emulation, so you need Outrun Roms for it, but there even is a Track editor that works on the Pandora) and F1 Spirit Remake, that run well on Gigahertz mode.

For 3D arcade type game, there is Trigger Rally, but the Physiscs of the car can be surprising (and you are alone), or Super Tux Kart, that works ok on Gigahertz (I know, I have to update my build to 0.8.1), or the fast and fustrating ManiaDrive

For serious Driving Simulation, there TORCS,, but as mentionned before, it's a a heavy software, so you cannot compete with more the 2 A.I. car. 
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Part 4: Platformers

Quite some choice again, frome classics one, like Super Methane Bros or some Classic Metroid

Of courses, there are more arcade Plateformers, adapted from famous arcade title, but very nicely redone, like The MiniSlug Project 
or Ghouls and Ghost remix

Speaking of Remakes, there is also Giddy3 or Secret Maryo Chronicles are also well done, but can be frustating sometimes. For slower paced plateformer, Gods Deluxe is the one to choose

And, speaking of frustating game, I'll finish with Rick Dangerous, and you should know that this version includes both Rick I and Rick II levels.
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Part 5, Simulation First

very few "sports" simulation. Some pools, with BillardGL and FooBillard. There is even a Pinball, to stay with balls, with Emilia Pinball and MiniGolf with Neverputt.

But the most Visually impressive simulation (if not speaking about driving ones), will be the Space Simulation (even if the term simulation can be arguable).

So, FreeSpace or the sequel FreeSpace 2 are a must have. You need data here, and even if Demo PND exist for bot FS1 and FS2, don't miss the nice story with cliffhanger and surprises offered by the full version.

If you want more freedom in the scenario, then Oolite, with the total freedom of action and the many addons that exist, it the right choice 
 (here with some addons to improve the rendering).

Strategy now

From Turn by Turn, with Advanced Strategic Command  or, for a more "economical" taste, Race into Space.. Or you can have both, with UFO-AI

For RTS with Dune Dynastyyou get a classic, father of RTS (but don't forget StarCraft by Notaz of course, but you'll nedd data files, of Warzone2100 by sebt3).
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