-I still see midori icon (in fact 2 since I have 3.6 pnd) but neither will run go back to minimenu.
Ah, then we've got two bugs here:
Midori 0.3.6 is probably missing a library and the icon for internal midori needs to be removed.
Thanks for reporting!
What do you mean? Nothing has been removed or saved?-still don't know what time zone to choose or what one I've picked. I don't know how much nand was saved by removing but I hope it can be better(like earliest firmware).
How to test charging optimization?
Check if charging stops a while after reaching 100% and restarts when being below 90%.
If you don't have time to check: After a full charge, your battery should be between 90 and 100%.
As for Midori does it need anything in pndutils and are they being included in future firmwares?
As for Time Zone, sorry not it wasn't necessary removed from hotfix 5 since I had brought this up then as well. I'm fairly sure (and will like recheck) the original firmware from 2010 had much more simple time zone script, app or process.