Hotfix 5 nähert sich der finalen Version, wir verlassen nun den Beta-Status und gehen in den ersten RC über.
Ab jetzt werden nur noch Bugs gefixt.
Auch hier gibt es noch keine PND-Version von, man muss die Firmware komplett neu flashen und verliert damit seine Einstellungen.
Für die Finale Version wird es natürlich einen Updater geben.
Hier die Infos (aber nur auf Englisch, Fragen beantworte ich gerne auch auf Deutsch):
Here are the changes that happened from Beta 4 to RC1:
As you can see, there are a LOT of good new things happening with MiniMenu, thanks a lot to skeezix for this!
MiniMenu now supports subcategories as folders. On the main tab, only the main categories are shown. The grid shows ALL programs in that category as well as all available subcategories as folders. You can go into the folder to only view the programs within that subcategory.
If you have an program selected, you can press SPACE to open an OVR editor. You can change the category / subcategory as well as the name or CPU speed.
You can also hide an app if you want.
Please test these new features of MiniMenu!
Download the latest version here.
How to flash the image?
Easy: Download the zipped image and extract the full contents onto the root of your SD Card.
Put the SD Card into slot 1 (the left one), switch on the Pandora while holding the R-Shoulder button and select "boot from SD1:1"
The flashing process should start. After it's finished, reboot the unit.
The first boot will take a while (up to 10 minutes). Patiently wait and you'll be greeted with the First Boot Wizard.
Ab jetzt werden nur noch Bugs gefixt.
Auch hier gibt es noch keine PND-Version von, man muss die Firmware komplett neu flashen und verliert damit seine Einstellungen.
Für die Finale Version wird es natürlich einen Updater geben.
Hier die Infos (aber nur auf Englisch, Fragen beantworte ich gerne auch auf Deutsch):
Here are the changes that happened from Beta 4 to RC1:
</i>* Added codepages (they had been removed when AbiWord has been removed). This prevented some apps like XBMC from starting.
* Removed the community backdrops to make the image size smaller.
* Added xdotool, a pretty useful and versatile app for mapping GUI functions to the keyboard
* Added Pandora Input Tester to the System-Menu
* Input Tester: Show keys that have been pressed
* libpnd: Increased the number of apps that can be defined in a PND from 20 to 50
* op_menu: specify field width for longer usernames (this fixes the non-working Pandora-Menu button in XFCE for some users)
* Low Power Mode: Now using cpu-speed-script to properly set the CPU Speed back
* MiniMenu: Some bug fixes (Keyboard-Shortcut wasn't working, crashed with wrong categories), etc.
* MiniMenu: Added Subcategory-folders in the Main Category
* MiniMenu: Added OVR-Editor
* MiniMenu: Added the possibility to add custom categories / subcategories (otherwise, the Freedesktop-Standard is used)
As you can see, there are a LOT of good new things happening with MiniMenu, thanks a lot to skeezix for this!
MiniMenu now supports subcategories as folders. On the main tab, only the main categories are shown. The grid shows ALL programs in that category as well as all available subcategories as folders. You can go into the folder to only view the programs within that subcategory.
If you have an program selected, you can press SPACE to open an OVR editor. You can change the category / subcategory as well as the name or CPU speed.
You can also hide an app if you want.
Please test these new features of MiniMenu!
Download the latest version here.
How to flash the image?
Easy: Download the zipped image and extract the full contents onto the root of your SD Card.
Put the SD Card into slot 1 (the left one), switch on the Pandora while holding the R-Shoulder button and select "boot from SD1:1"
The flashing process should start. After it's finished, reboot the unit.
The first boot will take a while (up to 10 minutes). Patiently wait and you'll be greeted with the First Boot Wizard.