Pyrrha is also the
mother of another Pandora.
"Once the land has been repopulated with humans, mother earth follows suit and begins to produce all other forms of life. Ovid uses this opportunity to inform his audience that heat and water are the sources of all life – “because when heat and moisture blend in due balance, they conceive: these two, these are the origin of everything. Though fire and water fight, humidity and warmth create all things; that harmony” (Ovid – pg 15)."
When I look at the Pyra logo I see a flame. But I also see two halves, in harmony, separated by a wavy, water-like line. There's fire, there's water, there's harmony. It must be fertile.
Since Ovid took to retell this story, I think I'll name mine Ovidi (I like
music by Ovidi Montllor, by the way, but don't trust
wikipedia, we all know he's not dead, he's on