Hoping This Can Be Emulated

on the subject...will pandora be able to be used as an external/secondary monitor? for say a laptop, or a desktop running windows or linux. maybe even a netbook
joce said:
on the subject...will pandora be able to be used as an external/secondary monitor? for say a laptop, or a desktop running windows or linux. maybe even a netbook
There is no built in way of getting a video signal into the Pandora. You could use a video capture device of some kind, but I figure that latency would be bad, and it would chew up CPU time decoding the incoming signal. You could also use VNC or RTP to stream a desktop to the Pandora over the LAN. Again, latency would be bad and it would chew up CPU, but it would be a free solution.
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joce said:
on the subject...will pandora be able to be used as an external/secondary monitor? for say a laptop, or a desktop running windows or linux. maybe even a netbook

This may not be what you are looking for, but one way it could be effectively used an an extra monitor is using a program like x2x. It basically joins two X sessions so that you can use one mouse and keyboard between them. It also allows you to cut and paste between the machines. I use it at work to allow me to use my laptop as an extra monitor.

You can start the program from your main machine through an ssh tunnel to make it secure like so:

ssh -X pandora x2x -east -to :0

Then if you were to drag the mouse off the right edge of the main display it will appear on the pandora screen and you can use your main machines keyboard on the pandora.

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Laurencevde said:
There's also synergy+, which isn't dead. And it also supports windows and mac, and has a gui.

There's also a piece of PSP homebrew which lets you use the PSP as a monitor while a Windows driver sends the video over WiFi. The PSP controls are also sent back...

Maybe someone should port the client end to the Panda :) Tis open source after all!

Edit: It's called PSPdisp http://jjs.at/software/pspdisp.html

Edit2: And that someone to port it is me! The source code is really quite simple!
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mali said:
Even better, I was searching beyond your link and BlueMaemo, the tool to do this on Nokia tablets, is this guy's port of his own application ReMoko - a bluetooth remote for the Openmoko Freerunner.

It's in the Ångström repositories :)

edit: http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/ReMoko
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Looks Great!! Would be fun... But why not just use the touchscreen and keyboard on the Pandora. :pandora2ut4: