
JayFoxRox said:
Might sound stupid: whats about the emulation of the macintosh version?
The Mac system requirements include a 180 MHz PowerPC CPU, which is unfortunately rather too powerful for the Pandora to emulate (given that the of the only two PowerPC emulators out there, SheepShaver and PearPC, PearPC is essentially x86-only - there's a generic build that runs on ARM, but takes hours just to boot - and SheepShaver, which is already somewhat heavily optimized for x86, claims 1/8 native speed, only SheepShaver is at all portable, and even heavily optimized you would not be able to run software that demands a 180 MHz CPU at a minimum).

(Basilisk II only emulates a 68k-based Mac, and can't run any PowerPC software.)
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There is a pocket pc version... http://www.palmheroes.com/main.php?page=main

not sure if that could be ported over?

Source code is not available.

Battle for Wesnoth was something that I never bothered trying until recently, and I'm surprised at how quickly I got hooked. You may not like it, but it is not a bad game at all. Saying something like "so much effort wasted on such a bad game." makes you kinda sound like a douche-bag. Not saying you are a douche-bag, just saying. Anyway, I'm hoping for a Wesnoth port for Pandora.

Well, Battle for Wesnoth is incredibly complete and polished, it has great graphics and music. There are loads of levels and campaigns.
But I don't like the gameplay, at all. IMO it's just a lame attempt at turn-based strategy.
That's what I mean when I say the effort is wasted. I know, though, that many people like the game, but for me it's not comparable to Heroes of Might and Magic.
Simon Parzer said:
There is a pocket pc version... http://www.palmheroes.com/main.php?page=main

not sure if that could be ported over?

Source code is not available.

Battle for Wesnoth was something that I never bothered trying until recently, and I'm surprised at how quickly I got hooked. You may not like it, but it is not a bad game at all. Saying something like "so much effort wasted on such a bad game." makes you kinda sound like a douche-bag. Not saying you are a douche-bag, just saying. Anyway, I'm hoping for a Wesnoth port for Pandora.

Well, Battle for Wesnoth is incredibly complete and polished, it has great graphics and music. There are loads of levels and campaigns.
But I don't like the gameplay, at all. IMO it's just a lame attempt at turn-based strategy.
That's what I mean when I say the effort is wasted. I know, though, that many people like the game, but for me it's not comparable to Heroes of Might and Magic.

I have been addicted to Wesnoth since 0.8.4, and I have to restrain myself from playing. The KISS mentality does make it seem generic, but the depth of gameplay depends on how deep you wish to go. The best way to play is against others online or against a team of computers. Wasted would apply to my roommates last night, not Wesnoth. I wouldn't classify any polished open source game as a waste of time. At the very least Wesnoth shows how the open source community can work together with amazing results.

From the Pandora side of things, I would always prefer supporting open source projects over commercial ports. Commercial support may be good but it is not needed.
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Heroes of Might and Magic III was ported to Linux by Loki in the early nineties (along with several other titles)... Loki went out of business in 2001. Their old website is still up at www.lokgigames.com and you can still find some of their titles forsale on ebay or whatnot.

A former employee of Loki, Ryan Gordon, hosts some interesting stuff (including game ports) at: www.icculus.org
It was ported to Linux, yes. But not to Pandora's CPU. So that doesn't help.
I have played Homm 3 soooooooooo much on lan :) good old times...
Would love to see this game on a handheld.
john4p said:
Since there is a Linux version of "Heroes of Might and Magic III" I wonder if it'll be playable on the Pandora's linux os?
Just because the game was ported at one point over to Linux does not lead to it running on the Pandora. In this case, if we had an x86 CPU you might possibly, conceivably have a snowball's chance of it running on the Pandora. Since that's not the case, the likelihood is slim to none and slim just took a walk for a bit.

If you could find Loki's source and could get rights access for it, or could get the original source and the same rights access- it could happen quite easily on the Pandora at the "right" resolution even. The rub's going to be in finding that source code and rights access.

EDIT: Ubisoft has it. It's going to take us wildly taking off and one of the commercial players (like myself...) to talk to them before anything of the sort will happen, even IF they have the source code still in hand.
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