homemade wormlight prob


May 16, 2003
i put together a worm light but its having a weird side effect on the gp32

when i have the light plugged in the machine doesn't seem to turn off properly, i have to turn off the gp32 and wait about 5-10 seconds before turning it on again (when the lcd screen is completely clear) otherwise when i turn it back on it just comes up with a frozen scrambled screen showing the last image that was displayed before turning it off, its like it has to compeltely drain itself before it can be turned on again, unplugging the light puts everything back to normal

could i have made the light wrong, im not sure what else there was to do, just 2 wires to 2 pins, or are the other home made lights causing this to happen as well,

on a side note anyone in the uk who wants to knockup a wormlight for there gp32

http://www.gsmdirect.com/ sells the samsung mobile charger cheap, u just need to move a pin, solder some wire and your done, while it is simple, if u don't have the right tools you'll have some trouble doing it
Just so you know....I would advise against using a GBA wormlight. Only the GB/GBC wormlights work correctly and work the best. I have perfected building these Wormlights for the Gp32 thanks to Phoda's guide. I have even updated his plans to build a brighter error free light.

As far as your problem goes..you connected the ground wire to the wrong pin location. This will cause adverse effects to your screen and in turn...burn the processing chip in the Gp32.

I still have yet to make a PDF document explaining my wormlight modification. I ve been a little busy....getting married and all :-).

If you need more info on how to build these lights search through the forum, you ll find older posts by me and some fellow Gper's talking about this stuff.
Good Luck.

FYI..I would not use that light you made any more...please...for your GP32's sake.
oww, i knew i should have taken another look at the info on it, i just thought the 2 wires used were the ones at opersite ends, which i thought i did, i spent about 20mins this morning butchering the connections trying to move the pins inside the connector, not looking forward to fixing that,

i've had it running for about 10mins with it connected hope i haven't cause any damage
just an update, opened up my connector again there were 2 pins that were joined in the middle, ones that aren't used so i just left them before, since unjoining them it seems to have stopped doing it, i guess just the pins crossing over on the gp32's end was causing it problems,

another thing i did was check the wires and noticed the light worked with the wire connected to pin 1 and 2, is there a reason the guide says pin 1 or could it be connected to either and would be exactly the same

as it is, it seems to work properly now so i assume the wires are on the correct pins and all is good

so i guess anyone who modifys the samsung charger is going to have to remember to unsolder the 2 joined pins in the middle