Homebrewn Games Vs Emu

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I'm totally agree with you :huh:
How many people buy a GP32 to play with an emu ? 70% 80% ?
I'm not a good coder like you ... I code some simple game and I like my homebrew games ... the feedback is sometime very poor but this bad side dont discourage me :)
Yes I will participate at ADIC2k4 with a new and my bigger project I never build ... so after this compo I don't know if I will continue in this way ...

So finally:
CONGRATULATION for the 3 winners and all coders of this 16days compos (me too :))

I like your games :) They are polished, smooth, and importantly FINISHED games. So many homebrew coders will release a demo or unfinished "teaser" game and then dissapear forever. That is probably one of the biggest problem with homebrew in my opinion. Just take Metal Slug for example. What was the point? All of that code and work just to abandon it? Stuff now is getting better though and I hope it does get more recognised.
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Emulators are a big part of the gp32_console , but homebrew games are definetely shaping it up. I mean, some of the homebrew games coming out kick ass, and will even more with a little polish. Lacuna, Nazca Dreams, and Elena are pure genious, and games like MGS will rock once its completely finished.

seriously, what is the point in making a ps emu? yeah itd be good to show it off and all but its basically a waste of time.

Wrong. I see it just like saying "we don't need a NES emu", anyways, its kewl that coders are starting to prove some things aren't impossible still.
I'm not a good coder like you ... I code some simple game and I like my homebrew games

A coder doesn't need to be good to release good games.
Very often, it's the idea together with a good presentations that counts.

e.g. Nazca Dreams is a Fenix game, so surely the coder isn't as good as many other C++ hackers, as he uses an engine to create a game more easily.
But the game is good - interesting, beautiful graphic - a very nice presentation alltogether.

I like your games also. I play Othello every once in a while - and that doesn't need complicated coding. It makes fun playing, and that's most important.

@mATkEUpON: I agree, it can be difficult for game coders to get artists, whether for sound or graphics.
That's why the Team Building section is on our boards.

And an offer I can make:
I'd really like to do some graphics for a simple, yet addictive GP32 game.
(something like Bruce Lee on the C64, Bubble Bobble, Puzzle Bobble, I'd really love to see a Magical Drop Clone on the GP32)
I have some spare time in the next months, so if anyone needs anything, be sure to give me a call!
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I'm really with you this time... JyCet is one of the most underrated coders on the GP32 and totally deserves the Guru Status!

Right, I wouldn't make a comparison. I just think this is a matter of time, time you have to work on your projects. As I've got no job for now, I have a lot of time ;) .

My only problem is that, when I get discouraged I don't work as much as I really can. And I think some people do share these feelings. So seeing a community a little bit more supportive to homebrew games, would speed up homebrew development I believe.
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The arguement for homebrewn games though is just like the arguement we had with the PS1 emu. It was said that people code for themselves, not for others. And people will get flammed because they are free games. Just shut up and appreciate it, they're free. There is a long list of homebrewn games that are unfinished or demos and then the coder disappears, just as what was stated above. Most people don't want to play an unfinished game, most people don't want to play a game that after 5 mins are bored. But then again its not for the community, its for the coder. There are very few completed, or semi completed homebrewn games. GPFinal War is great, in my opinion its complete, i would ask for nothing more of it. Same for GP Card Casino, Puzzle Mix and the like.

There are tons of potentially good or great homebrewn games. They just need work. The best thing for the scene would be that the coders release the sources for the games they don't plan on finishing so someone can pick it up and finish it.
There are tons of potentially good or great homebrewn games. They just need work. The best thing for the scene would be that the coders release the sources for the games they don't plan on finishing so someone can pick it up and finish it.

Totally agree. And I think this is what it's all about.

GPFinal War is great, in my opinion its complete

Thanks, but no, it's not finished. There are still lots of bugs, features I wanted to include but didn't have the time yet...

So, since I started working on SmashGp, I'm more and more thinking that I should make my sources available. But the thing is, it's pretty hard letting go.
When I think of all the work I've done on this, well I don't want others to get credits from what I did. This is obviously bad logic, but I think it's a normal reaction. And guess what could make me change my mind ? Well, if lots of people were asking me to finish this, or to port it to Dreamcast... then I would think again.

But I realise my posts today were total nonsense now. People always react to what excites them. I was hoping a lot on this compo, got disappointed and had to let it out :huh:
Feel better now :)
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e.g. Nazca Dreams is a Fenix game, so surely the coder isn't as good as many other C++ hackers, as he uses an engine to create a game more easily.

I can code in C. Actually, Fenix is not an engine is a gaming language, the only reason i code in Fenix is because i'm not a profesional coder. I'm a musician, and my profesional target is not computers, so if I want an idea to be created, I want to do in the fastest way. For me, computing is just for fun :)
Maybe, nazcadreams opens the door for people that just want to show an idea to the rest of us and he can't code.

Anyway, i'm very glad you like my game, and i'll do my best for bringing my little piece of creativity to the gp32 scene. I think that Adic2004 will be the most exciting gp32 compo of all time :)
People would prefer to see a completed game than a demo but remember none of these guys are getting paid for it so if they don't complete a game, like Metal Slug for instance, it's not like the coder lost anything accept maybe for the support of the people who wanted to play that game really bad just to see it end up on a metephorical scrap heap. In the coders mind he may have actually GAINED in terms of experience though. It's all a huge catch 22 it seems.

Homebrew is the life blood of the GP32 whether it be in emulation or original games like GPfinalwar which may not be done but it's atleast coming along every time we see something on it showing that there's still interest by it's creators. It's an ambitious project that I hope one day will see true "Finished" status. We need more like it.

We want complete original games and we like our Emulations as well But I think of we could get more high quality original games people wouldnt mind the emulators not being their best. Frankly I could care less about the PS emu but only because I dont see any immidiate benefit, but I'm not a coder so it maynot be evident to me outside of the fact it means you can get the system to do what ever you want despite the lack of power. But if they want to make it let them it's not like we have a say in what emulator they WANT to create or if they want to take on original games or not.
e.g. Nazca Dreams is a Fenix game, so surely the coder isn't as good as many other C++ hackers, as he uses an engine to create a game more easily.

I can code in C. Actually, Fenix is not an engine is a gaming language, the only reason i code in Fenix is because i'm not a profesional coder. I'm a musician, and my profesional target is not computers, so if I want an idea to be created, I want to do in the fastest way. For me, computing is just for fun :)
Maybe, nazcadreams opens the door for people that just want to show an idea to the rest of us and he can't code.

Yes, that's what I meant - I didn't say you CAN'T code in C, I just said, probably not as good as C++ hackers (whoops - just saw that I wrote surely - I meant PROBABLY. Sorry ;)).

And with "hackers" I mean guys like Rlyeh who really are top-notch C coders. He'd rather code his own game engine than using an existing one.

I didn't mean to offend any coders with my words - I just wanted to clarify, that you don't need to be a C god to create good games.

I can do graphics quite good - but surely there are other guys that are much more skillfull than me.
And still I'm sure I could create graphics which people actually will like.

I can't do much coding - I did basic years ago, so I have no problems using most scripting engines (as the basic understanding for coding is still sleeping somewhere in my head...). Still I create some useful tools using scripting tools.
Those stuff isn't bad, but still I can't code at all.
But people do not care about this.

Nobody cares about how good you can code or not - as long as the program, game or whatever you code is working fine.
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The thing about the homebrew stuff thats emerged lately is that it's become so much more original, for example; Lacuna, Nazcadreams, electronia, elena, gloop. These are games that you could not find emulated versions of, or any other version of probably, they are exclusive to our GP32.

As for the homebrew that is based on an existing game, the quality is really excellent; Aka noid, SmashGP, Defendguin, Gianas, Crazy Jack, BnB, GP32war, finalwar, Puzzle mix (I could go on here)

The point I'm trying to make is that we're spoilt for choice already with homebrew stuff and it should not be overlooked, it just needs more exposure.

@don: I've sent you a PM, I'm definately into your idea of a homebrew page - I'm sure this would benefit the GP32 immensely

@jycet&matkeupon: Don't lose heart guys, the stuff you've been working on is a very high standard and we need you here. If it helps, I thought that you deserved 2nd & 3rd place in my reviews
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I loved the homebrew stuff on GP32.

One of the reasons I'm getting a GP32 again is because I miss Slyro. The music in that game was crack to me. Fun game too. :)

I look forward to trying all the homebrew stuff I missed during the past year.
I won't lie, I play a lot more emulators on my GP32 than I play homebrew games, however I do have a few homebrew games on my GP32 and I do welcome anyone who wants to develop them. :)
I like the homebrew stuff because it gives the system its "identity". These little programs are unique to the system and most won't be available on any other system including the PSP or DS. Emulators are great, I use them alot and appreciate the work that goes into them, but you can find those on any system from cell phones to the PC.
i've been playing mostly homebrew games recently. the graphics and sound are better for a start :P

edit: a main reason i got my GP32 was for the emulators, but it pisses you off that you're playing 8 or 16-bit games on a 133mhz handheld with 8mb RAM... I love the homebrew stuff... :)