Asking For Some Help

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I just closed on my first home about 2 weeks ago and since then i've been working alot on it and it has consumed most of my time. I've asked before and nobody has been interested but i figured i'd ask again.

I don't have time, until i get into my house and situated, to write reviews. So if you like to write reviews for homebrewn games or emulators for the GP32, please email me. Any reviews would be much appreciated. And since it takes me less time to enter an already written review than my own, i can slide them in at work in a few minutes.

Once again, i appreciate anybody's help, i am assuming that I will be in my house and completely situated in about a month or two.

pAiN posted on Dec 9 2004 at 12:15 PM said:
I just closed on my first home about 2 weeks ago and since then i've been working alot on it and it has consumed most of my time. I've asked before and nobody has been interested but i figured i'd ask again.

I don't have time, until i get into my house and situated, to write reviews. So if you like to write reviews for homebrewn games or emulators for the GP32, please email me. Any reviews would be much appreciated. And since it takes me less time to enter an already written review than my own, i can slide them in at work in a few minutes.

Once again, i appreciate anybody's help, i am assuming that I will be in my house and completely situated in about a month or two.


Id lOVe To. Im going to have to use the gp emulator cause i dont have a gp32 yet. pM ME if your willing to give me that position. BtW i write some great reviews and i can give you a sample if you want. Just pm me if ur interested. I got allot of time cause im still in high school and after i come home from skool i got nothing to do. :( so u kno just tell me if u need me
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The emu isn't accurate enough to do a review on. It makes the good programs
slow and the crap programs fast and the sound doesn't work, and most games
don't work at all. The best it can do is run a GP w/o sound at 40 mhz. That's how
it's hardcoded. No matter what computer setup your on it won't get any better.

So hold off doing reviews till you get a GP.
Blah posted on Dec 9 2004 at 11:52 PM said:
The emu isn't accurate enough to do a review on. It makes the good programs
slow and the crap programs fast and the sound doesn't work, and most games
don't work at all. The best it can do is run a GP w/o sound at 40 mhz. That's how
it's hardcoded. No matter what computer setup your on it won't get any better.

So hold off doing reviews till you get a GP.

Ok sorry :(
Last edited by a moderator: Is the best GP32 review site out there. please contribute to that, as it has a lot more reviews, and is better designed.

Way to go toxibunny. Just because some other site has a better design means that no other GP32 fans are allowed to writet heir own reviews?

That sounds just like the drizzle that some mods spout about 'dont discuss this topic, its already been discussed like two weeks ago. use the search'.
jesus Toxibunny that was a little insensitive wether its true or not (I get all my inof on GP related stuff right here so I wouldn't know) you could just have said no...
There are plenty of review sites out there, this one included, and as such, we really can't play favorites. Since this site has a review section, I think we have plenty of right to flog toxibunny for saying "give up and just use my review site".
Well geez, ok, fuck my site, i'm going to shut it down.

By the way pAin - that is one of the best, most sarcastic, well written comments I have ever seen on these boards. My stomach almost hurts from laughing so hard every time I read it :)
I'm sorry. it *was* insensitive. but I'm just being practical. it's like someone saying 'I have a new GP32 news site with a forum' when we already have one called

if your site doesn't offer anything new, or if it doesn't offer anything better than what already exists then what is the point?

edit: generalnmx, it's not my site. what GP32 reviews sites sre there? i'd rather go to one site with a comprehensive list than have to scan around for info...

edit again: about the 'better design' issue- pAIN's site has a colour scheme that makes it very difficult to read...

I'd just rather have one decent, legible site with the full spectrum of reviews... anyone not like that idea?
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Need i remind all of you, my site was created first?? Originally it only had the reviews section and a horrible layout but it has been up for over a year now.

So i did not copy or get my idea from Don's site since my site was up about 8 months before his.

Also, what is wrong with the color scheme, i have absolutely no problems at all reading anything.
but i'm not here to compete, but obviously its obsolete, and just like everything else, when something newer and better comes along its time to give up.
I'd be interested. I'm busy on and off, but during downtime I would love to write reviews. I used to freelance for a video games website called Game Slasher. Anyways... I'm long winded and type pretty fast, and having nothing better to do than play video games at work all night (yep, play at work, and get paid :D )

My GP is on it's way and should be here by next friday at the latest.