Homebrew competition!!

Videos are definately encouraged. They give the gamers on here something to discuss and drool over and they give the devs a kick up the arse to 'one up' you.

I agree WiardStan. I came to that conclusion when thinking about doing a all for one. For the competition I aim to start in April I may make it a rule that you HAVE to collaborate with at least one person. That could be a kind of fun way to gel the community a bit more and get people working together and would be interesting to see what 2 or more people can do in two months. I think I will pass on doing a free for all and maybe leave that for OP to organize.

Just an idea but we'll see how this goes. Close to £200 in the kitty already though so I'm very impressed.

Edit: Please ignore these speculations, they are referencing a future competition, not this one. The rules for the competition currently running are not susceptible to change.
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Videos are definately encouraged. They give the gamers on here something to discuss and drool over and they give the devs a kick up the arse to 'one up' you.

Video of a test red screen coming up! :-b

Maybe this will give me the encouragement I need to stick with the silly game until I have something worthwhile to show, rather than continually putting it down.
I may make it a rule that you HAVE to collaborate with at least one person.
I'd suggest making that a different competition, but that's just me. Some competitions have a theme, some have a genre, one could be "make whatever you want, but must be done in teams of 2 or more" or something like that. It's your contest though, you can run it how you want, I'm just giving my suggestion. :)
I'm using this competition as motivation to finally go and learn c++/sdl and put forth a game. Already have ideas in my head and other stuff, but ideas are a dime a dozen, and execution is everything. Whether there'll be something playable at the end, who knows, but it'll be fun to try! ;)
Hahaha, wow man! 7 days and you've come up with that!!

I can't wait to see what this ends up to be. Keep posting updates :)
Post your rules, and _don't change them_.

I mean, it was one month, and now its two months. The first one rulrd me right out, the second.. maybe possible but then...

Suddenly - 'I may add a rule to require collaborating with someone'; I'm right out -- I'm pretty busy as is with firmware hacking etc, but really.. if you're able to at whim make up new rules whenever you want, its just too goofy .. you could totally break someone at any time for any reason with reasoning like that. Remember here, people are going to dump a hundred hours into this (or more, or less), so if you make it a unstable foundation, at least some will just stay clear. Why invest 100 hours to find out suddenly you're invalid by random rule change?

I've been in dozens of compos, I've never seen one where the rules change every day :)


edit: but your prize pool will entice most people, s I'm just speaking for me. But next time, please get your rules down first, its not that hard :P
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"making people collaborate with at least.."

You know, I'm totally out of this one (or anything in such disarray) Aside from being busy with firmware hacking etc, but the rules seem to change every day :) First one month, now two months and now considering a game changer like requiring collab (or at least requiring peopel to say they collabed).. its just silly :)

Post your rules, and _don't change them_. Maybe clarify a rule here or there as you discover holes, but wholesale rule changes .. I'm a little bit type-A, but how do you decide to start a compo, without any clear idea where you're going? :) I've never seen one so haphazardly run before :)

Haha that's for future comps and is total speculation. The rules have been pretty clear cut since the 1st february where I extended the date as I would rather extend the date then than change it after a few weeks. The rules are on the first sheet and haven't changed since 1st feb. Anything I discuss here is just speculation for future competitions I may or may not run. You're reference to collaboration is indeed a whimsical thing, but it was a whimsical thing I was discussing about my next competition if I were to make this a regular 2 month deadlined competition.

Lol instead of bugging me about a hypothetical rule for a possible future competition go and sort out integrated MP3 playback :P

I love the new Mmenu btw :P
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'integratedmp3 playback' -- go define what that means and then post a wish. (ie: integrated _into what_? how would it work? how about mixing? and why just mp3.. what about other sound sources? Ah, you didn't think it through, did you.. its work ;)

I'm already busy enough on the firmware, thanks :)

'integratedmp3 playback' -- go define what that means and then post a wish. (ie: integrated _into what_? how would it work? how about mixing? and why just mp3.. what about other sound sources? Ah, you didn't think it through, did you.. its work ;)

I'm already busy enough on the firmware, thanks :)

I know I kid, I hope you do enter though.

Not much has changed on the comp except the extension of the date to 1st April which happened on the 1st feb.

Rules have been clad in stone and will not be changed so please don't be put off.

Oh and by integrated I meant how the PSP has a plugin allowing you to hit select + up for instance (a command not likely to be used in game or in app) to play/stop and select + right/left to skip tracks which ran independantly of any app or game. I think someone said it could be done with a command backend music player (mplayer or onmpc)
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Some basic controls for media playback would not be too hard .. pndevmapperd already watches keys to do things like turn brightness up/down, so just adding a config entry to map that to sh-scripts for the new buttons would be a piece of cake. The harder part as I said is how to manage mixing and choice of music player (what if someone is using Exaile?), and other stuff like that. All told a basic 'go next track' would be easy, but if you wanted visual queues (something popping up on screen) then that is quite a pita (since apps may be rendering on framebuffer, or using SDL in various modes, or through X11, or using opengl-es, in windowed or fullscreen, etc.)

So a basic implementation is trivial, but a nice fancy PSP-like is hard. (Yes, we've thought about it on and off for a year or two :)

When I had a psp (was a while ago) it didn't have anything pop up, it simply played or stopped and skipped track!

You are right though I'm probably confusing people about talking about later competitions. I'll stop doing that!

(And just re-read my above post and that came off a bit rude so I do apologise, tone doesn't convey well over text, gotten me into lots of trouble before and I guess it will continue to do so!)

Again sorry for the confusion and hope you do enter!!
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The only trick is you'd need a way to start the playback and pick the play-list. IF mplayer has a playlist function and an external API for 'go next' 'go prev' 'stop' 'vol +' and 'vol -', etc, then it'd be easy. Someone do the legwork and I'll point out how to do it :P

Ah but skeezix if the rules are changing every day how can you introduce a rule for not changing the rules without changing the rules? :P
The only trick is you'd need a way to start the playback and pick the play-list. IF mplayer has a playlist function and an external API for 'go next' 'go prev' 'stop' 'vol +' and 'vol -', etc, then it'd be easy. Someone do the legwork and I'll point out how to do it :P


http://www.mplayerhq.hu/DOCS/tech/slave.txt We can open mplayer with popen() and send commands to it. Mplayer can play multiple files and go next / prev, e.g. mplayer foo.mp3 bar.mp3. I guess that's a sort of play list? or do you want it to read m3u files?

I'm keen to write a game for this comp too ;) starting late.

Some inspiration: http://www.motherboard.tv/2010/4/14/oral-history-of-gaming-game-godfather-sid-meier-and-the-48-hour-game
Controlling mplayer is not too big a deal, but my question is more .. what are people expecting? ie: Woudl they be expecting that they've fired up Exaile or Audacian or whatever, and have control over it? Or would they use mplayer to queue things up? Can we connect to an existing mplayer to control it? (probably.) I've not had time to look .. but if someone can fire up mplayer and queue up stuff, and then we can connect to it on-demand to control it, then its a pretty easy job to set up.
