Holy moly, my pandora works again


Dec 2, 2010
So literally 1.5 years ago, I accidentally spilled water all over my pandora and it fizzled and died. For months I tried pulling everything apart to get it to work again and eventually failed, only to put the machine away disassembled in a box. I was going through boxes yesterday and decided to throw stuff out. Still, why not give it one more try?

So I put it together enough to hook it up and BAM, it fricken worked.

My pandora, which had been dead for well over a year, suddenly worked again.

I am so happy :D
Congrats!, it's almost like you got a free Pandora!

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Ah! A puzzle pandora! Like those point and click games... where you have to click on everything to find the pieces.
Somewhere a pandora was in a blaze and lived.  Here, a pandora was submerged in a tsunami and is still alive.  Are Pandoras immortal? :D

:P :lol:
I've found most of the parts again, the microphone fell off but who cares. I'm now running Starcraft and a whole bunch of other things again. I am a happy guy.
Pretty good news for you :) Mine had water damage too in December, and at the moment doesn't switch on.
Pretty good news for you :) Mine had water damage too in December, and at the moment doesn't switch on.
How much time was your pandora powered while wet? And how long did you dry it before trying on again?

From my experience 24h of drying isn't enough for electronics, but after one week of rest in a dry warm place you can be sure.
Pretty good news for you :) Mine had water damage too in December, and at the moment doesn't switch on.
Well, what I did for a while, and what really seemed to work out. I took it apart completely, and then I put all the parts in a bowl of dry rice. You obviously should choose plain white rice. And then, at night, a group of Asians will come over and fix your hardware for you.

No but really, rice soaks up water, put all the parts in, a nice warm spot for a week or so, put it back together, leave the wifi out (who knows), check to make sure if any soldered points are broken (though the smallest would be hard to fix without a nice kit) and see if it gives any kind of reaction when you have the battery in and then plug the power in (not the other way around, the pandora doesn't like that, or the omap specifically).

Mine now only works with the battery in, though it charges fine,

Pretty good news for you :) Mine had water damage too in December, and at the moment doesn't switch on.
How much time was your pandora powered while wet? And how long did you dry it before trying on again?

From my experience 24h of drying isn't enough for electronics, but after one week of rest in a dry warm place you can be sure.
Yeah, that was my mistake, it basically fizzled and shut down completely the moment all the water poured over it, and then after 2.5 days or so on a radiator (wrapped in towels) I figured it would be enough. The screen lit up, and then I heard bbbzzzZZZzbzzb and poof, off, no more life to be had.

I let it dry for a week, nothing, tried a whole bunch of ways of fixing things, but it didn't do anything. Put it away, checked it like every month for a while, nothing... And then suddenly, a month ago, poof, it works again, just as I wanted to throw it away :o
The dry rice trick I've heard is to put the rice, and the item in a sealed bag, and leave that somewhere warm.  The warmth will cause the moisture to evaporate into the air in the bag, and the rice will dry the air.  Leaving it all in the open, any dry air will get blown around by eddies in the air, so won't be quite as concentrated around the thing you're trying to dry, although a week in a warm place disassembled is probably enough on its own for most moisture-related problems anyway.

Interesting that it now doesn't like running on mains without a battery, while it did before - is that the situation?  Mine has never run without a battery in, but others have, and I assumed it was just the way they were made, so it's interesting if they can also fail that way (although it's not really a failure to be bothered about most of the time).
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Pretty good news for you :) Mine had water damage too in December, and at the moment doesn't switch on.
How much time was your pandora powered while wet? And how long did you dry it before trying on again?

From my experience 24h of drying isn't enough for electronics, but after one week of rest in a dry warm place you can be sure.
It was powered off for a week (and off when it happened), in a bag of rice. I think at that time the screen kinda turned on, but didn't seem to have a backlight. And it was being odd.