Quake Iii Port.


"Very" Old Timer
Jan 31, 2004
Can someone port Quake III please. John Carmack is a personal friend and said he'd let me have the source code for a pint of Guiness and a packet of pork scratchings.

Just Kidding!

OK now I've got your attention :rolleyes:

On a slightly less impossible note. Having just played doom for an hour and not saved it only to have the batteries die on me Doh! I was wondering whether it was possible to code some sort of battery indicator like PDAs have for the GP32. I think there's probably some hardware needed so somehow I doubt it but it doesn't hurt to ask does it. :)
He's the greatest! He's fantastic!
Wherever there is danger, he'll be there!
He's the ace! He's amazing!
He's the strongest, he's the quickest, he's the best!
He's terrific! He's magnifique!
He's the greatest secret agent in the world!
Dangermouse - powerhouse!
He's the fastest, he's the bravest, he's the best!
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Dangermouse! (Astounding!!)
Memnoch posted on Mar 6 2004 at 08:46 PM said:
He's the greatest! He's fantastic!
Wherever there is danger, he'll be there!
He's the ace! He's amazing!
He's the strongest, he's the quickest, he's the best!
He's terrific! He's magnifique!
He's the greatest secret agent in the world!
Dangermouse - powerhouse!
He's the fastest, he's the bravest, he's the best!
Back to the top Dangermouse! (Amazing!)
Dangermouse! (Astounding!!)
damn now ive got to go have a browse through kazaa <_<
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Kinda suprised at this post. With a subject line of "Quake III port", the only people you are likely to attract are the people who fancy flaming someone...

For the second part of your post - "Not possible without additional hardware."

However, a FLU can give you a battery level low message - it'll start flickering.
Bet he never gets tired of hearing that one. <_<

Do you mean a battery incator "In game"? It sounds cool but the question is do you have to have technology designed to detect battery charge or can you have the system do it automatically in softtware? If it's a software issue, Maybe a firmware adjustment that could tell you between games but you'd have to beable to return to the boot up screen to find out how much power is left...

Limited as my knowlege of coding is I doubt you could make it read the battery, but what if there was a timer within the game that gave an aproximate estimate based on the amount of time you played?

If a FLU gets about 8 hours then the counter would show half full at four hours playing time and so on. The only drawbacks to this idea is you;d have to manually reset the clock each time you put new batteries in and it wouldnt count if you were playing another game for an hour and went back to it.

Squidge - Actually My FLU has a tendancy to stay on even with weak batteries until both it AND the screen go out together. It might be the brand of rechargables...I dunno for certain. The only flicker I see is occasionally a half second blink when I press the button but its something you'd miss if you werent looking when you turn it on.
Squidge posted on Mar 6 2004 at 08:58 PM said:
Kinda suprised at this post. With a subject line of "Quake III port", the only people you are likely to attract are the people who fancy flaming someone...

For the second part of your post - "Not possible without additional hardware."

However, a FLU can give you a battery level low message - it'll start flickering.
Yeah but on rechargeable batteries my flu goes then within a few seconds the whole unit will go and not even start to boot. i think the batteries drain until they cant go anymore!
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You'll also notice the red LED light starting to flicker and the colors will start to slowly get brighter and fainter...
:D :D :D . I also came here expecting replies of "read the faqs", "what an idoit", "@:*^£$%&?"," I smell like chicken" but it turned out very different.

EDIT: Onto the battery meter. Hardware wise almost impossible. Software wise very difficult. The battery meter would be of the counter type, where it estimates how long you have left according to how long you have it on. There would be two and a half ways this would work:

1) Incorporated into every program, emulator, demo, app, etc. ever made for the gp32. Um....I don't think so. :D

2) Incorporated into firmware. May have to be linked to next idea.

2.5) Program some very very very low level shit that is always running whatever the gp32 is doing.

Either way it's too difficult.
actually programming it into the firmware would be good enough for me :D, but into the autoboot items in firmware *usually file launcher* would be cool too :D
IE: Windups pacrom and shit
I suppose I should start by saying sorry for the topic ;)

Like Dozer I find when using rechargeable batteries the time between fading FLU and shutdown is a few seconds at best and as Doom takes severel seconds to save your position you're buggered.

It wouldn't have to be running all the time. Just something that you could run once before a session to give you a rough idea how long you've got. The launcher on my clie has a battery % and it's surprising how quick you get to know what % equals what time left.

Still that's all academic if squidge is correct and the hardware doesn't exist.