Active Member
Hey DaveC do you remember my zodiac joystick mod LOL
who remember my jostick mod and aa battery fan adaptor ?
i was gb_fan gb_Fan gb_fan
LOL, i remember that i had to remodded it with another joystick smaller. i couldnt get it in my pocket
the aa battery adaptor was freak enough but working
LOL i could played for hours with the zodiac
and i used a fan adptor to overclok my zodiac. i was really freak in these times.
Who remember that ? ( josytick mod ( battery adaptor
who remember my jostick mod and aa battery fan adaptor ?
i was gb_fan gb_Fan gb_fan
LOL, i remember that i had to remodded it with another joystick smaller. i couldnt get it in my pocket
the aa battery adaptor was freak enough but working
and i used a fan adptor to overclok my zodiac. i was really freak in these times.
Who remember that ? ( josytick mod ( battery adaptor