Hey Davec Do You Remember My Zodiac Jostick Mod Lol


Active Member
Apr 19, 2008
CANADA, Montreal
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Hey DaveC do you remember my zodiac joystick mod LOL
who remember my jostick mod and aa battery fan adaptor ?
i was gb_fan gb_Fan gb_fan

LOL, i remember that i had to remodded it with another joystick smaller. i couldnt get it in my pocket ;)

the aa battery adaptor was freak enough but working :) LOL i could played for hours with the zodiac
and i used a fan adptor to overclok my zodiac. i was really freak in these times.

Who remember that ?

http://www.emuboards.com/invision/index.php?showtopic=18732&hl=gbfan&st=15 ( josytick mod

http://www.emuboards.com/invision/index.php?showtopic=18981 ( battery adaptor
its me renejr902. i just recover my old gp32x account of 2004. i will not use it anymore. it was just a testing purpose.
im back at renejr902 in a few seconds
unfortunately it was me. i made a lot of zodiac mod very funny.


even my 2 gp32 are modded. one at 216mhz and others at 220mhz. my 220 mhz gp32 was modded to 240mhz with a 3 aa battery adaptor but i removed it, prefer it with 2 aa at 220mhz :) i said it was a friend technician, but for real its my father. lol He is a video console repair technician. he modded my gp32 nlu and flu with resistance.

i had a old account at gp32x forum in 2004, when i first bought my gp32 blu. i reactive it for fun. i had completely forget it until yesterday. i was a emuboard member when i modded my zodiac
Yeah i kind of remembered that.

I remember I bought the Zodiac but thought it was crap for emulation. Everything stretched and that terrible analog.

I "modded" the location of my Zodiac by ditching it on eBay :P
LOL yeah i sold mine too, because of the analog joystick, a few months later i have to buy another one ,because my wife miss it. so i have a no modded zodiac now, and i dont play with it anymore. finally my favorite handheld is gp32 isnt strange ?
i loved my Zod, when i first got it i had no 5V DC charger i could mod to charge it (the standard one is 110V AC and won't work here) so i charged it off 3 C batteries i hooked up to the charging cable.
It had none of the frequent issues with the headphone jack and control sticks, always worked perfectly. Then i lend it to a "friend" for a day and it comes back broken...

The Zodiac is the finest PDA of all times IMO. Until the Pandora is released, obviusly.
Fishbong said:
The Zodiac is the finest PDA of all times IMO. Until the Pandora is released, obviusly.

I doubt about Pandora pda...
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PDAs are kind of passe' these days. Cellphones do most of those functions now.