Heroes2x Released


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
ParkyDR released Heroes2x, a game similar to the "Tron" and "Nibbles" games of yore, but includes many graphical improvements and new game features.


In it, you must maneuver a small vehicle around a world and collect powerups while avoiding obstacles, your opponents' trails, and even your own trail.

There are five game modes available. Quest is the classical Nibbles, in Death Match you start with very long tails and must kill your opponents, in Kill'em All you must run over lemmings moving on the ground, in Time Cash or Color modes you must collect money or pyramids of color. Heroes features 12 original sound tracks, 94 levels

Note: Can't enter name in high score and screen is 320x200

Visit ParkyDRs site here and download here at the gp2x File Archive.
WOW! This game looks sexy. Im DLing right now.

EDIT: Holy wow. This game is amazing. IT has such an Atari 2600 feel too it, with the retro text and all the bouncyness. Its really amazing. The 3D effects are great too. Amazing game.
Never liked this game on a desktop, but very very fun on a handheld.
It's nice! But I got stuck after a game ended and couldn't get to a menu. Had to turn off my GP, but I understand this is a beta and look forward to later versions. :)

Yeah I had that too. It said "press return" no button did anything so I had to shut off.
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It's nice! But I got stuck after a game ended and couldn't get to a menu. Had to turn off my GP, but I understand this is a beta and look forward to later versions. :)

Yeah I had that too. It said "press return" no button did anything so I had to shut off.

Sorry about that, which game type were you playing? I've only played Quest right through a level.
This is a truly excellent port, congratulations!

Now an embarrassing question: what do you have to do to get to the next level?
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This is a truly excellent port, congratulations!

Now an embarrassing question: what do you have to do to get to the next level?

I had the same problem! You need to get 10 of the symbols with the arrow rotating round them so it says size is 10, then another different symbol with arrows round it to finish :)

The instructions are under infos on the menu. I need to something about scrolling though, you can't just hold down the joystick.

Version 0.2 is uploaded, awaiting approval
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Yes this port was l337 enough to make it to my SD card. You know many things don't make the cut after my 103 point inspections and rigorous tests :P .