Help Tincs Choose Its Art Direction!

Choose your favourite one (Make sure you read bellow before choosing!)

  • Art Direction #1

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Art Direction #2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Art Direction #3

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Art Direction #4

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Heh...5 years of Latin here, but I seem to have forgotten most of it.
Anyway, it should be "arma iniuriae."
Genitive case.
Those who don't like TINCS (that is as a name, not the game) you can ignore these.

I like the Acronym, how about (they are not great but maybe someone else can add to the idea):

Total injustice: New Country Saga
Totalitarian Injustice: National Covert Siege


Trial Impact: Next Corps Supremacy


Team Insurgence: Near Cyborg Saga
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"* Robotic prosthetics, and cyborg bodies."

This is why I voted 2. But it would only be desirable if it was not just token graphics. Cyborg bodies would have to do some thing. I guess it hinted at the most appealing game play elements to me. But the generic rebel VS. establishment, in a somber dystopia does not really appeal to me. I just think of endless generic half life 2 levels.

If you laid down a general pallet and style with enough with class and creativity then any of these choices would be awesome.

=======Choice description problems====
The problem with choice number three is that it does not hint at what kind of game it would look like. Other than the art style.

The problem with choice number 4 is that it gives a genre but not a clear idea of art style other than cartoon.
Steam punk often looks like Victorian era, Art Deco or American wild west. Occasionally medieval. But also some things far far future like final fantasy have been steampunk at times. The air ship in some of the games is the prime example. Or would it be the sort of time period as is in Arcanum?
Voting is over.

The winner is #2 by muzz.

Second place #4, third place #1 by retort, last place is #3 by GPSchnyder.

Thanks' for voting. Feel free to continue to use this thread to discuss names for the time being.
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Thanks dudes!

I promise that we will try and take the road less travelled, even if it runs a high risk of running down the beaten track of generic and cliche.

Anyways i plan to try and work on this 2 hours every day, sadly i cant afford any more time than that :( ( i work and am a full time student). But even that adds up to being 14 hours + a week of work on this.
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Well, yeah.

I had a Story attached, a kind of Steampunk meets endtimes kind of Story, but someone has forgotten to mention it.

Maybe we should have linked to the Websites showing the whole Concept, but for me Artstyle meens artstyle, not pitch a whole game, but okay, let's move on and do JAFPS :-) (Woah, this was a Nameidea.)
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Ah shame you didn't go for #3. Cell-shading means a whole lot less time spent on texturing, thus increasing productivity. But that's just the practical-must-decrease-overall-workload indie in me speaking I guess.
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I just totally fuxxed up the images on the front. My bad.

Sorry GPSchnyder, it was already freaking about too many images and stuff, I was trying to get a hold of you, but I couldn't, so I cut it down a little bit.

Also, we're taking backstory submissions now. I'm going to write up some information on guidelines they should follow.
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'Butterman' said:
Sorry GPSchnyder, it was already freaking about too many images and stuff, I was trying to get a hold of you, but I couldn't, so I cut it down a little bit.
Would make sense when the Voting didn't go about Story mainly. See?

'audovoice' said:
=======Choice description problems====
The problem with choice number three is that it does not hint at what kind of game it would look like. Other than the art style.

The problem with choice number 4 is that it gives a genre but not a clear idea of art style other than cartoon.
Steam punk often looks like Victorian era, Art Deco or American wild west. Occasionally medieval. But also some things far far future like final fantasy have been steampunk at times. The air ship in some of the games is the prime example. Or would it be the sort of time period as is in Arcanum?
And by the way, if my Idea for an artstyle would be one that was already done several times I would just go to that game and take one of the screenshots from that.
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I like the name TINCS. Why not keep it and use it for standing for something else besides TINCS is not Counter Strike, for example:

There isn't a current solution
Timeless ineptitude nurtures corrupt societies
The inhumane narcissism of conscience shooting

Or something like that :P
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We're accepting backstory pitches and name ideas now

If you want to make a backstory pitch, read these guidelines


Then read here, for information on hosting your pitch on the Jottit site.


Similarly, name ideas can be posted up on the Jottit, or in this thread.
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'PSyMastR' said:
I like the name TINCS. Why not keep it and use it for standing for something else besides TINCS is not Counter Strike, for example:

There isn't a current solution
Timeless ineptitude nurtures corrupt societies
The inhumane narcissism of conscience shooting

Or something like that :P
This is what I'd suggested as well a few posts back but not many have seemed to go with the idea or expand on it
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'OrR' said:
I had a sudden burst of inspiration and submitted a backstory. According to the word counter the first part is 301 words and everything together is 599 words. :D I hope you like it:
That's pretty good. I'm thinking of lowering the max word limit, looking at that, 600 is too much. I'm thinking 400 for now.
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'Butterman' said:
'OrR' said:
I had a sudden burst of inspiration and submitted a backstory. According to the word counter the first part is 301 words and everything together is 599 words. :D I hope you like it:
That's pretty good. I'm thinking of lowering the max word limit, looking at that, 600 is too much. I'm thinking 400 for now.

And how do you want to describe a backstory in only 400 Words? 300/600 looks good to me. Don't limit it too much ur we'll just get generic short exposes with no flesh at all. If the Texts get to small you just can describe the backstory generally with no additions that can make them unique.

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'GPSchnyder' said:
'Butterman' said:
'OrR' said:
I had a sudden burst of inspiration and submitted a backstory. According to the word counter the first part is 301 words and everything together is 599 words. :D I hope you like it:
That's pretty good. I'm thinking of lowering the max word limit, looking at that, 600 is too much. I'm thinking 400 for now.

And how do you want to describe a backstory in only 400 Words? 300/600 looks good to me. Don't limit it too much ur we'll just get generic short exposes with no flesh at all. If the Texts get to small you just can describe the backstory generally with no additions that can make them unique.


The problem is. That we want people to read the whole thing. The larger it is, the lesser chance of it being read. We could possibly have a summary in the poll and the whole thing on the jottit. I just don't think huge pages of text is going to work when we put it into the poll form.
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