*help* Omars Learn To Program


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2005
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if you want to help :ph34r: - tell me

- the best language to learn
- where to learn the language
- things to start programming
- things i should download
- anything else you'd like to add............
I Decided to give stuff like this a shot too :P

Theres guyfawkes guide somewhere around it gives u a basic demo of compiling to the gp2x from win.

Its a simple picture, but I dont understand how it works, I jsut read the instructions heh.

Anyways, im hoping that a guide will be made how to compile to the gp2x in a more detailed way, the demo thing wasnt really helpful. Except for the fact I now know how to compile pictures to the gp2x as a .GPE :lol:

Like I sorta understand what the makefile thing does.. la

In not asking for one, just a lil curious since I have quite a bit of spare time each day that I can put to use . (1-2hours spare.)

Either that.. or a guide how to port emus or sumtin kekeke.

Its tough, are you up for it?
1. English Grammar.
2. School.
3. An Essay on how to us grammar in the English Language.
4. Punculator 4.0 .
5. Programming isn't that easy. You don't seem to understand how hard it is or what you even need. Do you even know what a 'Makefile' is? Go learn something easy like FENIX. Or if you are going to put the time in try C or C++ .
Language = C/C++ or python(to use with pygame
Where to Learn = libraries and online documentation libSDL has some links that might help
Where to start = Games are nice, but a simple hello world or demo might get your feet wet.
Downloads=The SDK for the gp2x can be found on this site under development

Good luck and hope to see your programs soon
thanks to the people that think i might make it! :D

*If* I learn how to program very good i will try porting or maybe making a new emulator for a console that hasn't been emulated....
Emulators take a very long time to code frm scratch so I can't see you doing that. Porting is what I could see you doing. Coding is not like HTML. You can't just learn it in 3 days.
Learn to code for a desktop; its not wise to target a handheld first, since its just an extra layer of pain that you don't need.

Work on C/C++ and SDL if you want to target handhelds someday, otherwise go to python+pygame, or java, or darkbasic, or something :P

Fenix could be handy possibly, too..

Not trying to hijack this thread or anything, but speaking of FENIX, is there any initiative on porting/creating a runtime for the GP2X? That would instantly bring many games to the platform.

Back on topic, if you learn FENIX, it's pretty easy and there is some good how-to's and beginner guides for it. If in the future, a FENIX runtime is made for the GP2X, then your game has instantly become available for another platform. ;) Not bad at all.

Good Luck, and if your REALLY serious about becoming a programmer (not just making a few games for the handheld), I would recommend just starting from the bottom and learn C/C++, as it will be useful for a lot of other things, such as a career or just other apps. Good Luck.
can fenix make anything else other than game? :huh: (like say..........emulator :ph34r: )

If not I am going to buy "C for dummies". :P

P.S. I don't meen to sound like a noob!
Programming and I just don't go together. Sort of like two batteries facing negative, there is little hope.
if you want to help :ph34r: - tell me

- the best language to learn
Personal opinion. To learn Basic/Pascal. To be useful for games etc c/c++. Looking good at the moment python/pygames

- where to learn the language
Take a class, off the internet or a good (e)book

- things to start programming
Depends on the program but generally an IDE which sets everything up for you (eg c/c++ DevCpp/Codeblocks)

- things i should download
Read the last two answers

- anything else you'd like to add............
Prepare youself for a long run. Learning a programming language may only take a month, learning to program well will take longer. (3 years and still counting here)
'C for Dummies' is a good start,

Just don't expect to be able to do anything by the time you have finished the book!

maybe a few maths problems, converting between one scale and another etc. Just don't expect a chapter on Pac Man or Space Invaders, nothing about games and not even a mention of the word emulator in the whole book.

If you can get hold of a copy of 'C all in one desktop reference for Dummies' go for that instead. It is a lot bigger, 6 books in 1 apparently. 'C for Dummies' will only take you a few weeks to read cover to cover and then you will have to go out and get another book anyway if you want to progress any further.

Come back when you have read one of those books, people will be more likely to help you if they think you are serious about putting some effort in and at least you will have a clearer understanding of what is involved

Good Luck
If you're just starting to learn to program, and you want to target the GP2X eventually, learn C/C++. I started out with Pascal, which is basically the same but with a nicer syntax; however, useful versions of Pascal are hard to come by these days, much less with interfaces to libraries and tools you'll need. Plus, if you start with C, you won't have to learn a new syntax when you're starting on the 2X.

I'd very much like to recommend Python, which is the best language I've yet com across, except: Python takes a lot of work away from you so you don't have to worry about it (garbage collection, to name one). If you start with that, you'll get used to it (even worse, you won't know any different), and you're never going to get a good grasp of the concepts needed to effectively develop software for embedded devices.

On a device like the GP2X, you're right on top of the hardware, and you will need to feel that.

Programming is first of all about problem solving. You're going to need a rational mind. You're going to have to be able to attack a problem top down: I want to draw an image to the screen. What do I need? Ah, I need an image, then I need a screen, then some way to draw to the screen. How do I obtain an image? I could draw it, or load it from a file. How do I get a "screen"? My graphics library will provide me with a handle to it, otherwise I'm going to have to address a raw memory block. How do I obtain the handle to that memory block? Etc.

And this is just a very trivial example. There's a lot more to actually writing a running game.

You're going to have to ask yourself questions continually, and you'll have to think of a good answer to each one of them. It helps if have experience in this, because a lot of the questions and answers will be similar, and you will remember the answers pretty easily if you've come across the same problem a lot. When you're just starting out, I guess the best way is to look at how other people solved the same problems, copy their answers and modify them to suit your needs.

Remember that you'll actually have to think about code you copy and why it solves your problem. You'll never ever learn by just copying code. Look at it, try to figure out why it works. Try to figure out why the person you're copying the code from has done it in this way and not another, because usually questions have multiple answers, and one answer is better in one situation and another is better in another. Most of all, think before you write. Don't just try random sequences of code and see if it does what you want. Think about what you want to do, think of a way to do it, and think to yourself why the solution you thought of will do the trick. Did I mention think in there already?

Finally, for your first program, don't expect to write a full game from scratch. In fact, forget doing anything graphical at all. Write a simple application that prints out a sequence of things. Then write a game higher/lower game where you have to guess a secret number from the computer within 10 tries. Keep increasing the complexity of your projects. Eventually add graphics, which adds an entire twist of its own to coding. Forget emulators, they are way too hard to write. You'll need an intricate understanding of the hardware and software of both devices, down to he tiniest details. You can try those when you are a master coder ;).

Learning to code is a long-term commitment, and you should ask yourself if you're willing to start it. Don't expect to produce anything spectacular in the first few months (although even the small programs sure can give you a great feeling of accomplishment).

And then there's good game design, which is a whole other cup of tea; being good at programming won't automatically make you good at creating a fun game...

Well, hope that didn't discourage you. The best of luck to everyone wanting to try out the exciting world of getting a computer to do what you want it to do :)
Biased here :)

I don't really find python and pygame very much removed from C and SDL (which isn't far away from banging on the hardware, imho anyway).

What it does do is free you from the tedious crap and let you concentrate on the fun stuff (writing games). It still introduces you to all the concepts you'll need, just in smaller doses. Plus there's no compilers or toolchains to worry about :)

There are a couple of free books around too. Check out http://www.greenteapress.com/thinkpython/ and http://diveintopython.org/ .

Whatever you end up doing, I'm sure there will be plenty of people around to help you.

If you're looking for ideas to get started, try something like Tetris, Connect-4, backgammon or card games like Blackjack (easy) or poker.

Have Fun!