Have You Told Your Wife/better Half/significant Other Your Getting A P


May 19, 2003
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I mentioned to wife in wife in passing recently, who knows I am a gadget freak (I have a GP32, GP32 flu, GP32 blu and a GP2X, as well as a myriad of other gadgets with flashcards etc) that a few guys on my fave handheld gadget site were getting together and building and marketing their own machine from scratch and how impressive that was - she seemed mostly disinterested and I detected suspicion on her part - why would he need another gadget?? ;)

My experience of marriage and a kid is that our attention is far better directed to a Pandora than other options - a man needs a hobby :) Not only will Pandora rule the homebrew scene, it will save many a marriage/relationship, that's my (albeit tenuous) theory anyways :)

And do I chastise my wife when she buys makeup, shoes, pointless magazines, flowers that die after a few days? Not once, so my Pandora purchase will just have to go on the credit card given I already obtained implied permission for the purchase by mentioning it, didn't I?? *Yeah right* ;)

In any event, to all those who will be frowned upon by their better halves when they get their hands on a Pandora, I sympathise - you are not alone :)

Cheers and beers
Ah good topic! My misses doesn't know about my new 'gadget' yet probably won't tell her until a parcel turns up at the door!
If it comes at the weekend all the better and she probably won't even notice I've got something new to play with and will think its a PSP or DS! both of which are black of mine!

Though if she finds out she will moan about me buying and selling hardware all the time, but i reply at least i recycle my profits! she just buys things and lets them gather dust....

Then when i show her what it can do she will be jealous and want a go on a game, or ask if i can get this or that one! she loves Pinball Dreams so no doubt I'll have that ready as a weapon against her moaning!

We shall fight them on the beaches, but they will never take our freedom! (ok so i used two speeches in one!)
I don't have a wife/better half/significant other. So no I haven't told them. I should probably tell my parents their buying me one for my 21st birthday though :Pp
I told my wife I would wait until the end of the year to get mine, but she wants me to get it sooner :)
magicman5421 said:
it's my birthday at the end of july...
what better reason do i need?

Same! But I will have to wait for it as I won't be in a position to use it.

I don't have any significant other than my parents and all they said was "didn't you just buy something like that?"
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And if it isn't your birthday, just pull the Early Christmas Present Request. I'm pretty sure some people will be pulling for Early 2020 Christmas present.

I'm sure my GF is going to nag about it, but then she'll see I'm playing PSX games and want one herself. Gotta love it when the significant other is into 90's games :P
My wife is very cool, so no prob for me, but i also know that shit can and does happen. so if i have to wait,then i have to wait. no biggie.
I have not mentioned it yet ... She already thinks I own too many gadgets. I don't think explaining that I can have real full speed amiga on the go will wash with her!! Anyway, I am selling a few things at the mo, so I won't really be spending 'real' money on one! Sure, hopefully she will be happy that i am happy! :P
Heh, I haven't showed this to my girlfriend yet... :P
and I know it would happen just as JakeK said :lol: "didn't you already have something like that?"
but I know the portable will impress once it's here :) and I'm the one buying anyway heheh
I can picture how it gets different with wifes... having to explain and all... well, good luck! ;)
My GF is like "umm......is that like a iphone"; she's cute......we are going to have some good looking babies if that time comes lol.
My boyfriend knows I will be getting one by all the chat about it, and the renders I have done plus the startup flash anims, and me going on about how amazing it's gonna be. Oh and he will probably use it as much as I do anyway.

Luckily for me he's as much into gadgets as I am :).

GunPei2X said:
I told my wife I would wait until the end of the year to get mine, but she wants me to get it sooner :)
What about that Pandora? :D
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GunPei2X said:
I told my wife I would wait until the end of the year to get mine, but she wants me to get it sooner :)
Mine too... I already have a gp32 and a first edition gp2x. I want to wait but my wife keeps telling me I really, really need it :-)
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I told my girlfriend about it back in January and she's been saying the same thing right along...

"You need one on the first day! Can you pre-order it yet?"

I picked a good one don't you think? ;)
centrlink said:
I already obtained implied permission for the purchase by mentioning it, didn't I??
When it turns up, just remind her that you'd discussed it and she'd definitely said OK. :D

Although it does remind me of that autotrader advert for a bloke selling his bike... As the reason for sale he put something like "apparently the wife saying 'do what you want' doesn't mean what the rest of the world thinks it means"
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mines is as much into these as I am so no prob. In fact, when ever I get a new hand held she just has to try. If she likes it, I need to buy another so that I get to use one. It happened with Zodiac and PSP. It happened with Gizmondo too, but I settled for sharing this one since the screen was too small for me and only played it occasionally.

She keeps asking me every time I log out to these forums ... 'Is there a set date yet?'
I have just shown it to my fiancée and all what I had to say was "You can play Super Mario with it on a screen bigger than the other similar gadget" to get her to say "Since it is so and since it will make you happy to get it, then we should definitely have it in our home" :D
I would tell my wife, but since we are only communicating through solicitors letters pending our divorce I don't think she would be that interested!

Bitch that she is! But I will be playing it with my daughter...
My girlfriend really has no choice. The hard fast rule in the life of Pariah is, "Do what I want." As it is the rate I blow through women she probably won't be my girlfriend by the time my p&|a arrives. So much the better, I'll need time to put my new electronic girlfriend -- "Pandora. What a beautiful name. Do you come here often?" -- through her paces.

Pariah (The perpetually bad boyfriend)