Hat’s and other weird headwear


Forum Addict!
Staff member
Oct 24, 2008
Germany,, Saarland, at home
Because I don’t want to keep the News Posts offtopic, I think whe should make a Thread about this important Topic
Because I saw the Cowboys wearing they’re Hats on the Intro of Red Dead Redemption 2 in Winter, and I found this a Good Idea, i decide to wear my Hat in Winter too, also i hat good experience whit the Hat I hat at Boyscouts..

My Hat from the German Company Faustmann, it’s crushable and Waterproof because it’s this Filz Material , so ideal for every Weather..
Snow, Rain, Sunshine, doesn’t matter, and I wear this Buff Cap underneath to keep my Ears warm
I know I look like a Forrester whit this ting, but maybe the not urban look is for me as Beekeeper, and Unimog Driver quite fitting ^^
I don’t like to wear a normal Basecap as I think it’s doesn’t look good on me , only at running

What is your story, what do you wear to keep your Head dry, warm or away from Sunshine??
And what is your opinion on Headwear that looks maybe a bit weird but works therefore quite good?

Whit best regards, Matthias
My Hat from the German Company Faustmann, it’s crushable and Waterproof because it’s this Filz Material , so ideal for every Weather..
What weather conditions are you preparing for?

Regarding your question, I wear home-grown hair.
Sorry but I had to laugh out loud for a second when I saw you upside down in the bee-protection-astronaut-suit ;)

On-topic, I wear a woolen cap in wintertime despite my thick hair. Nothing fancy, a gift from a Norwegian friend who visited over some years ago, and has kept me from colds since then :)
I think this BeeCeeper Picture was turned by me because I want to use it as Avatar on a Different Board, but it’s Board Software turns the Pictures so I hoped at this angle, it will get turned the right way ..

Wearing Caps in Gym makes sense if you don’t want to have your wet hear in face, or don’t want your hear to get stuck in the Machines...
the same reason wy they also wear caps in a Kitchen..

Whit best regards, Matthias
This Summer, i refused to wear that hat that often anymore, i whore a normal Cap, and now a normal "Beany" or how its called in englisch,
May Dad reverse to this sorts of things "Jaques Custeau Cap" , because he also whore these on his see travels back then..